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Six months later:

Jack and Jackie stood in front of hundreds of people, preparing to talk. A final glance was given to Jack, before she began talking,

"Good evening everybody! If your new, me and my husband will be addressing some history that is crucial and if your not, I'm sure we'll clear anything that's a little blurry. My name is Jackie and this is my husband John or we all call him Jack. We have three glorious children, 2 girls and a boy.
Grace is forever 14, John Jr. is 9, and our youngest Mary Kathrine is about to turn 5."

MK is the dancer in the family, and at her age many of her teachers say she is spot on. Of course she's a mommas girl, but absolutely adores her older sister. She is the entire family's light, and so much fun to be around and will brighten a room when she walks in."

"I'll take over on the next one, but don't worry she'll be back after me" the crowd began to laugh

"It truly was a miracle we decided to name him John Jr. because if you knew him and me, he's me but younger. At least that's what people say.. He plays football and is a starter on the jr. high team even though he's one of the youngest. Honestly he is so goofy and can make even me laugh in the worst of times. I'm just thankful to have a daddy's boy"

"And finally what most of you are here for. Grace is forever 14, and will always be my girl. After a accident on a golf cart at age two, she was declared partially blind, so for the longest time I was her guider and home-school teacher. God, she was my best friend, I often found myself just not being able to discipline her, I'd have to get Jack to do it. She was our rock and foundation, she is what kept her father and me together. And she was her little sisters keeper, honestly even at MK's age I really think she grasped the aspect when we told her Grace had passed away. And everybody agrees that me and her will never ever be the same.

"She used to have this glimmer in her eyes, and now it's just gone. Now I see the glimmer was an even better realization in her eyes so that there was enough sight for her daughter"

"Considering this is Grace's Gratitude, I'm sure you all wanna know the story. Grace Agnes Kennedy was born on December 15th, 1976, most painful and happiest day of my life. She had dark hair like me and  blue-green eyes like Jack.

She was known to see better in her left then her right so if you personally knew Grace you would know she would turn her head to see you a little clearer on her left, but that was just Grace. She had so so many friends and was loved by family, coaches, and anybody who even met her. Of course her life was a little different from others, but she didn't let that get in the way of being almost a level 10 gymnast and an mvp in track. Grace was the different person in the family, she was kind and would do anything for anybody else, especially her siblings. We always said she was her "little sisters keeper" because she was always there, wether it was baby sitting, playing with her when nobody else would, or matching with her when I NEVER told her to. But six months ago her life took a turn for the worst. Fluid started to build in her brain in a part they took out hoping she would be able to see again. It seemed that no matter what they tried nothing, absolutely nothing, was working. Two days before she died she requested two things, Max and MK, so that's what she got. It's always been ultimately sad to me that Max was never even able to do his job.

Max or formally Maximus was Grace's newly trained service dog. Gracie picked him 3 weeks before everything happened, and he got out of training a week before she died. If you would like to meet Max (he's great with kids) he is in the hands of my brother Bobby in the back"

"But anyway, It took me and Jack a while to figure out Grace's foundation name. But one day it came to me"

"Actually at one of John's football games"

"Gratitude... Grace's Gratitude. She always was grateful for anything we did for her and I know she would be happy and grateful for this. We're just trying to share our daughters story because that's what she requested in her last days in the hospital"

Tonight if you look to the back of the building we would like to thank our family that are present tonight. I have my mom and dad, my three sisters Jean, Eunice, and Pat then my two brothers Bobby and Teddy

I don't have many tonight but I do have my mother, sister Lee, and my stepdad

"And the most important people to us our children John and Kathrine!" The two stood up while they held up a huge picture of Grace


Before we exit for the gala tonight, we just wanna remind everybody of Grace's Gratitude motto, formally said by Grace herself,

"Don't Dwell, Love Everyday, And most importantly Be Happy Always"

Have a nice night everybody!"

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