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A week had past a Grace was way beyond being done and everybody could see that. Now all she really wanted was to sleep, and if you personally knew Grace that wasn't like her at all. Through the past week she had received an award, three special appearances, and "experienced life". With every passing day it was harder and harder, and Jackie could see that. But doctors had called the two and made it clear that it was time to go. Today was the day, it was super early, earlier than when Grace would usually get up. Even as a 14 year old she was pretty small so Jack chose not to hassle waking her up and carry her.

Later Jack and Jackie would describe this period with Grace as "It was truly like we had another baby again". The entire morning was a blur, holding her close, telling her they loved her, then saying goodbye.

Now they had to wait 6 hours, by the time she got out it would be about 5:00, Jackie could already tell that those six were going to be the worst and longest of her life.
"We did what we could. We drained as much as possible, but there's still quite a bit of fluid pushing up against the tissue. We did place the trac and it's clearing ventilation just fine. The operation didn't go exactly how we wanted, but we bought her some more time"

"bought her some more time.."

The sentence burned in Jackie's mind, she always knew it was bad, she knew that but hearing "more time" just put it into perspective. Doctors had given up.

"Momma?" Grace spoke so so softly, but it was enough to get Jackie's attention


This time she messily wrote on the white board

-"I'm going to die right?"

Jackie looked up at Grace while shaking her head and crying. Immediately Grace reached out to her and wiped away her running tears.

-"It's okay momma, I'm ready, I know your not, but if you really love me then you want the best for me and Heaven is the best for me" She wrote again showing Jackie as she nodded

"I know, you'll be painless, running and competing freely, I just don't wanna let you go" Jackie said trying not to cry again

-"NO TEARS!! Rule number one"

Jackie nodded

-"Move on Momma, I know you love me and you'll grieve, that's understandable, but when you look at family pictures don't think about death and pain in me, think about the good times and smile. Rule number two"

"I'll try my best" She said crying again

-"Make me rememberable, rule number three. I want my legacy to motivate others to savor life, hug there parents everyday, don't dwell on anything, and most importantly be happy"

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