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"Sully, I really am having a hard time. Max is supposed to leave and be gone for six weeks today. And I don't think I'm ready to let him go, I did what daddy said not to, get attached before he leaves. I'm going to miss runs, his kisses all the time, and of course our nightly cuddles. My bed will be so empty without him."

"Okay, you have your bed, two of your vests, your leash, and of course your favorite toy, mr. porcupine. Are you ready?" Grace said looking over to Max, who was trying to get under the covers of the bed

"Yea I know, I don't want you to leave either. But Kennedy's don't cry, or show much emotion for that matter, so let's go" She said hooking on Max's leash. She went to walk him downstairs as the leash expanded and expanded until it finally just stopped. Needless to say, Max was still upstairs siting in Grace's room.

Just like everyone in the house, Max was scared of Jack. So when he yelled out for him he immediately dashed downstairs and sat at Jack's feet.

"See that's how it's done" Jack said, being full of himself, Grace returned with a good ole' eye roll

She bent down onto Max's level and whispered in his ear

"You have to remember me when you come back, okay? I know I'm not a very good best friend since I'm making you go with dad. But I love you Maximus, I'll see you soooo soon. I'm sorry I can't come with you, I have to go to a doctors appointment, even though there's no use, they'll just tell me I'm still messed up. Anyway, I love you." She watched as Max followed Jack to the car

"I love you Max!" Quickly she dashed upstairs, slamming the door behind her

Jackie gave her husband the thumbs up and walked back into the house. Upstairs, Grace looked at the time, 5:17, she still had time to sleep some before most likely Kathrine woke her up at 6:00 for her doctors appointment at 9 that was some two hours away. She was so anxious the night before that's she didn't sleep well, so before 5:30 she was fast asleep.

"Grace, Grace wake up, wake up!" As usual Grace woke up to the pretty blue eyes of Kathrine right there in her face as Jackie watched from the door

"Yea Grace, hunny it's time for you to get up" Jackie respond from the door

"I'm bringing your brother to Bobby's, so he can drop him off at school later. Get MK ready, get yourself ready, when I get back be ready to load up and go"

"Okay" Grace moaned as she sat up from under her nice, warm comforter. Putting her goggles on so that she could remotely see what she was doing

Jackie watched as Grace took Kathrine into her room by hand to pick out her outfit and get her ready for the day. Kathrine was Grace's doctor's buddy, she was always enthusiastic about going not to mention she loved to play around and spend time with her mom and older sister.

"What about your ruffle shirt and pants? You know the one that's mommy's favorite" Grace asked, immediately Kathrine ran to her closet and pulled out the outfit

"I like this one" she smiled

"Here wear your Mary Janes with the bows on the straps, I'm going to get ready you get dressed then I'll do you hair" she responded with a nod as Grace left and went next door to her room

Quickly she dressed in her jeans, and her red blouse to match Kathrine, like Jackie always did, Match the girls. But surprisingly Grace didn't mind matching, she was used to it now, plus she loved to see Kathrine's face light up when she showed up in the same color as her. Quickly she brushed through her long hair, laced up her worn hightop's, grabbed her coat and walked out of her room with her phone in her pocket. While holding onto the railings for dear life, hoping and praying she wouldn't fall she walked down the stairs, grabbing her little sisters jacket off the family hooks. Luckily she had almost everything upstairs memorized in her head so when she would have Kathrine, she knew where she was going, and where she was.

As Kathrine ate her cereal Grace hovered over her trying to effectively pull her hair back and tame the endless amount of dark curls.

"Good enough"

Grace sat down beside MK and started to eat her cereal



"When they put that stuff in your eyes, and put you in that big machine does it hurt?"

"When they put the stuff in my eyes, that hurts, but the machine doesn't"

"I don't like it when you hurt Gracie"

Before Grace could respond to her little sisters concerns, Jackie burst through the front door

"Awe great, you made breakfast! Go load your sister into her car seat, I'll be out in just a minute. I love you twos outfits!" She shouted as she climbed the stairs and into her room

Therefore she took Kathrine by the hand and lead her out to the car. She buckled her in and scooted over to buckle hers

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