I Thought Ouranos Liked Me?

Start from the beginning

"I don't have a weapon," Killian protested.

"Here," Chloe said, bringing out a sword from her pack. Is that thing like what Lou Ellen gave Michael and I when we ran? Does everyone have one? The sword was a regular celestial bronze sword, tinted with silver. "I won't be using it today. Protect yourself."

Killian gripped the sword and nodded.

"Alright, we have a Titan to beat," I said. "Try and get Thalia free from whoever is holding her and force him away. And then focus your attempts on freeing Artemis."

I didn't wait for a response as I walked into the clearing. I saw Lady Artemis, chained and holding up the sky. I saw Thalia being held at knifepoint by Lace, the dirty blond son of Hermes grinning. And I saw Atlas, standing with a spear in hand and staring at me.

"Perseus Triest," he greeted cordially. Who knew he could do that? "I see you have come to save your goddess."

"Not my goddess," I countered. "Hers," I nodded to my right and Zoe walked up. Atlas's lip curled in a snarl.

"My wayward daughter returns," he snarled.

"You are no father of mine," she growled. "You never will be again."

"I've also got him," I nodded to my left and Killian walked up, a surprisingly brave look upon his face. "He's my right hand man. And powerful."

"I'm on your left," Killian muttered. I groaned.

"Let me help you, you stupid fu—"

"Enough games," Lace ground out, staring at Killian and I with hate. "You have no chance to save Artemis. You won't walk out of here alive."

"Are you sure?" I retorted. "I've managed to defy odds like that before. What's to say I won't again? You have no say over who I am, son of Hermes." He hissed like a cat. I glanced at Killian and we locked eyes. "Take care of Mister Kitty-Cat, Killian. You got this." And with that, I started for Atlas, Zoe a step behind me. Killian ran at Lace, sword raised correctly. Impressive. Most people don't know how to hold a sword when they first handle one. Summer ran after him, her knife in her hand.

I started for Atlas, Zoe a step behind me. A spear rested in his giant hand, one that I knew that he could wield to a devastating effect. Luckily, I had two Hunters of Artemis backing me up. Chloe was staying back, her bow at the ready, while Zoe brandished her knives beside me. I looked up at Atlas, who was standing only a few feet away. "Shall we dance?" I smirked and lunged for him, my sword appearing in my hand, before he could say anything.

He blocked my strike with surprising ease and knocked me backwards. I rolled out of the way as he stabbed where I had been a moment ago. I jumped to my feet and ducked under his jab before swiping at his legs. I heard him grunt in pain and looked upwards to see arrows sticking out of the chinks in his armor. I glanced to my side and saw Zoe running up to her father. She sliced at his arm and danced back before he could attack her. I ran back up and slashed at Atlas's midsection. He let out a grunt and swiped at me. I blocked the swipe and felt the blow through all my bones. I pushed against his spear with all my strength and jumped up and kicked him in the face. He stumbled back a step and Zoe ran up. She sliced across his chest with her knives and a few arrows found a new home in his chest plate, courtesy of Chloe. I jumped over another swipe of his spear, which knocked Zoe away, and pressed my attack. He kept up.

He knocked me aside and I flew through the air and slammed into a black wall. It wasn't Mist anymore. The palace was rising, brick by brick. It was becoming real. I grunted as I picked myself up and off the floor. I stared at Atlas and charged him again.

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