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Ryujin could hardly sleep that night. Even if she really wanted to, it was impossible for her to sleep for more than five minutes before waking up in excitement. So it wasn't surprising to her when she made herself a cup of coffee before she got ready to go out with her friends.

Before it was time for her friends to pick her up, she debated on whether she should tell them about last night or not. It's not like she kept secrets from them, but this was something entirely different. She saw her soulmate years before she was supposed to, before anybody was supposed to.

But what could they do besides ask numerous questions? And her parents? Should she even tell them?

"Ryujin-ah," Yeji sighed in disappointment.

Ryujin looked up from pouring her coffee into a styrofoam cup, raising her eyebrows when she realized both Yeji and Jisu were in her home. She didn't realize she had been so far in her thoughts.

"What?" Ryujin asked.

"What did I tell you?"

The eldest nodded towards the cup, and Ryujin stifled a noise of realization. She was about to explain what had happened when she stopped herself. There's no point in telling them.

"Oh, I...had trouble falling asleep," Ryujin answered. It technically wasn't a lie, since she did struggle with sleeping last night. Just not for the reasons Yeji and Jisu thought.

"You shouldn't be studying so hard," Jisu said. She came around Ryujin's other side, taking the mug out of her hand. "Or drinking so much coffee. It's bad for you."

"But it tastes so good," Ryujin sighed.

"Say that again when you're awake in the middle of the night from a caffeine rush. No more for you!"

Ryujin whined when Jisu took the cup and poured it in the sink, but made no effort to stop her. Even if she did, it was two against one, so she wouldn't even win.

"If I have to, I will sleepover just to make sure you sleep properly," Yeji threatened.

Ryujin laughed and assured her unnies that she would sleep more from then on. Soon after they left to hang out with their other friends.

Overall, it was relaxing for Ryujin. While she goofed off with her friends, she forgot about her exam stress and last night's event for a while. It was worth almost getting kicked out of the place and having to explain where she had been once she got home to see her mom had gotten off work early. She had gotten scolded lightly before being told to study, and she scurried to her room in high spirits. It was when she was in her room again that she remembered about her soulmate.

Her soulmate with big eyes and a pretty smile and a soft angelic voice. Oh, Ryujin hopes to see her again that night. And the next night, and the next, and the next...

Is it even normal for them to dream of their soulmate every night? Ryujin pulled her phone out and began researching everything there is to know about soulmates after she opened a few textbooks to make it seem like she was studying somewhat.

Typically once a person begins to dream about their soulmate, they dream about their soulmate every night up until the day they find them...

So Ryujin gets to see her angelic face each night? That sounded like pure heaven. Just seeing her smile was enough for Ryujin until they could finally meet.

...Although, sometimes the soulmates may not dream of each other at the same time. One may get dreams before the other does...

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