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Every night, Ryujin dreamed about her pretty soulmate. The only thing the girl said was Ryujin's name, but it was enough for her. Seeing her soulmate and knowing she's alive was enough for Ryujin.

Almost two weeks have passed since her first dream. She was finished with exams and was able to relax at last. After her last exam, Ryujin went straight home and took a nap.

She woke up slightly alarmed a few hours later, wondering why 1) she didn't see her soulmate, and 2) why her phone was ringing. A feeling of worry and dread spread throughout her body as her phone was quiet for a moment, only to start ringing again three seconds later.

"This is Ryujin," she answered sadly.

"Unnie, guess--what's wrong? You don't sound so good. Exams?"

Ryujin would be lying if she said she didn't care about her exam scores, but she cared about her soulmate more.

"Uh, kind of," Ryujin said. "What's up?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to come over tomorrow with Yeji and Jisu? I'm planning on introducing you all to the neighbor's daughter I told you about!"

Ryujin frowned into her pillow. "Will the parents be okay with that?"

"Yeah, she asked!"

She imagined a four-year-old waddling up to her parents, asking to hang out with four teenagers. "She can talk?"

Chaeryeong chuckled. "I would hope so! Are you okay, unnie? Have the exams fried your brain?"

That was a logical explanation. "Yeah, probably. I woke up from a nap."

"Me too, actually. Chaeyeon and I are going out to get snacks for tomorrow."

"What, carrot sticks and grapes?" Ryujin found herself joking.

"Uh not really, but if you want them, then okay!"

Ryujin didn't bother saying she didn't actually want that. She talked with Chaeryeong for a little longer before ending the call and curling in on herself, wondering why she didn't see her soulmate.

At first, she thought it was because of the short sleep time, and that she'll only see her soulmate when she sleeps longer. Ryujin didn't dare look up anything, fearing what she'll find. She just hoped she was right, and that later that night she'll be able to see the goddess again.

Ryujin was sooooo close to calling Chaeryeong and saying she can't go. She didn't even want to crawl out of bed that morning. When she woke up and didn't recall seeing the sunshine smile, she knew she was in trouble. Something happened, and it scared Ryujin.

She even turned to the internet, avoiding any blogging sites and online forums. Many said that seeing her soulmate sometimes could be the result of stress, and when that happens, the person you see isn't actually your soulmate. Ryujin wasn't sure if she should be relieved or terrified. Her soulmate isn't dead, but that person could possibly not even be her soulmate.

My whole life is a lie, she had thought to herself in the shower.

Ryujin smiled as best as she could when Yeji and Jisu arrived to pick her up.

"You haven't gotten better," Yeji pointed out.

"The exams killed me," Ryujin tried as she shut the door behind her.

Yeji didn't buy it, but didn't say anything else.

It took around five minutes to get to Chaeryeong's place, which Ryuin spent pondering over her potentially not-soulmate. She still wasn't sure how she should exactly feel, and felt the urge to confide in her unnies in order to relieve herself of the newfound stress. Just as she turned to get Jisu's attention, the bus arrived at their stop.

They walked down the sidewalk towards Chaeryeong's place, Jisu gripping Ryujin's hand and swinging it happily. Ryujin couldn't help but smile at the motion, even though she still felt upset.

"... she's actually really pretty," Jisu was saying.

"Who?" Ryujin asked.

"Chaeryeong's neighbor, I forgot her name. I saw her at the coffee shop with Chaeryeong one day."

What if she's Chaeryeong's soulmate? The chances are slim, but Ryujin managed to see hers before she was supposed to. If so, Chaeryeong was so lucky, and Ryujin actually may die on the spot.

Chaeyeon answered the door, giving them all a hug.

"Chaeryeong has been so excited for today. She really wanted you to meet Yuna."

"That's her name!" Jisu exclaimed. "Her name's 'Yuna'," Jisu said, as if Chaeyeon didn't just say her name.

They headed down the little hallway and into the living room, where two people sat on the couch, a large selection of snacks on the table in front of them. Chaeryeong saw the newcomers and hopped up, hugging them all tightly.

"You act as if you haven't seen each other just yesterday," Chaeyeon commented with a shake of her head. Chaeyeon went to a completely different school from them, so they didn't see her as often as they'd like to.

"Oh shush! Guys, this is Yuna! Yuna, these are my favorite people in the world!"

Ryujin started to smile at the girl who stood from the couch and faced them. The smile faltered when she took in the girl's face, and how scarily familiar it was. She felt her heart begin to beat wildly against her ribcage, her palms becoming sweaty. Ryujin couldn't stop staring at her, and she was about to faint when the girl smiled brightly, just like her soulmate.

"I need to use the bathroom," Ryujin suddenly announced. Waiting for nobody to say anything, she hurried off towards the room.

i wasn't supposed to wait this long to update, im sorry

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