too soon?

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When is it too soon
And when is it too late
How do I know if there's
Too much or too less on the plate

I know you need time
I know you need space
But I wanna hold you tight
Cuz I'm afraid you'll... escape? XD

And I know it's probably wrong
But then why does it feel so right
When I usually would have given space
Why do I wanna hold you so tight?

I dont even know what I feel about you
I don't even know if I should think about you
You're dangerous, disastrous


the way your eyes are so luminous
Even when you're tired
And weak
And broken
And breaking

beautiful, the way you healed so much of me
but you were breaking yourself, simultaneously
And I couldn't heal anymore
How could I have healed anymore

So I started breaking myself again
Thinking maybe that would take away your pain
In some way

I saw the tears behind the fake smile you wore
The breaking heart behind your brutal words
Behind your dark exterior there is a glowing core
I knew

But back to the point
when will it not be too soon?
Because I don't wanna be too late
Like the sad lover who waited too much
Then gathered a crowd and guitars, a bunch
And wrote the best blues of 1988
Because that's all he could do
when he couldn't marry Kate.

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