"I'm not really sure because I didn't really pay much attention in science but I think it's something to do with the cells in your nose-" this time he was the one cutting me off.

"Thank you love you so much (Y/N)" he rushed out before ending the call abruptly. Did he just say what I think he said? I paused in my tracks, staring at my phone screen. After a few seconds I shoved it back into my pocket. I'm probably just hearing things. I spotted Talia at her desk, doing something on her computer. When I approached she gave me a smile "good evening miss.(Y/L/N)."

"Good evening miss.mar" I replied, mimicking her smile.

"Ah, evening miss.(Y/L/N)." Jackson slid his chair over to join the conversation.

"You too Mr.wang" I gave a curt nod before explaining what the assignment included and what we would need them to do.

"We shall get started first thing tomorrow" Talia stated whilst logging off of her computer and standing to put her coat on.

"Great, I shall check your progress in a week from today." I stated.

"We won't let you down (Y/N)" Jackson smiled, him too getting ready to leave. I smiled back.

"Excellent, see you both tomorrow" I waved.

"Bye" I heard them both call before I made my way down the hallway. Perfect, now I only have two more things to complete before I can leave. I was busy, in my own thoughts whilst making my way back to the office. My head was down, thinking about god knows what. I came to a haunt however when I bumped into a hard chest.

"O, I'm so sorry." I said, taking a step back. I looked up and saw my boss. "I wasn't looking sir, my bad"

"O, neither was I so no need to apologise. And how many times have I told you to call me Harry."

"Right sorry, Harry."

"No worries, (Y/N)" there was a brief awkward silence of us both looking around not really sure what to do from here. "Where were you going" he asked.

"Back to the office to cal mr.paine about tomorrow. And you?" I asked

"O I was just going to get a snack from the vending machine. And don't worry, I already called him and everything is sorted." He beamed

"O ok and isn't it my job to get things like that for you, you can head back to the office and tell me what you want an-" again, I was cut off.

"Don't be silly, you just head back to the office and I'll meet you back there in two minutes yeah?" I just nodded and headed back to our office. I sat down at my desk and checked the two things off from my list. One task left. Help mr.Lewis. I checked the time. 9:02. I wondered how much he had left that I would have to help him with. Hopefully not a lot, as all I want to do is go home and sleep.

Harry came back with two chocolate bars and two cans of Diet Coke he placed them on his desk and ushered me to come sit with him. I got up and headed over there. I sat down on the spare seat he had placed for me. "Alright, what have we got to do?" I asked him. He started explaining everything, although, i was too focused on the close proximity between us. So close that I could feel his breath fan Gently on my face.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N), hello?" Hardy snapped his fingers in my face. I blushed a deep red.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" I asked. He didn't answer which caused me to look back in his direction. He just sat there with a smirk. "I'm sorry but what were yo-" I couldn't finish my sentence as he crashed his lips against mine in a sweet but short kiss. He pulled away and looked at me. A chuckle escaped his lips as he looked at my shocked features.

"I-uuuh um" I stuttered, unable to comprehend what has just happened. Harry's hand reaches up to my cheek and gently caressed it.

"Shh, don't worry, just relax." He kissed me again and this time I responded. My hands reached around his neck, bringing him closer. We parted in order to regain breath. Our foreheads were placed against each other's. After another brief silence, Harry spoke.

"I said I finished all the work and just wanted to talk for a while."

K, so I know this is dumb and probably doesn't make sense so sorry for that. I don't know why this was so uncomfortable to write. Hope you enjoyed
-Mols xx

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