Chapter 7: Zelda's POV

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It's was Saturday morning and also Nana and Popo's birthday.

Wait....I was finally free, I no longer had to act fake! All I wanted to do was sleep, but someone wasn't letting me.




"Zelda! Come here! Please!"

Thump! Thump!


"Mmm....what do you want, Sheik? It's 7 in the morning!" I shouted from my bed.

"Ahhhh! Zelda! Kill it! It's moving!" He shouted.

I rolled out of bed onto the floor, landing with a thump. "Ow!" I moaned as I stood up. I walked down the stairs, following the sounds of Sheik's screams.

"Zelda! It's on the doorframe!"

"What's on the door frame?" I yelled as I walked down the hallway towards the kitchen.

I saw shoes, forks, spoons, and a butter knife lying outside the door.

What the hell?

I walked inside, coming face to face with a huge, hairy, ugly, black spider, hanging on a long piece of web from the doorframe.

I stood frozen.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as I smacked the spider away with my hand.

The spider flew across the room landing on Sheik's hair, who was peeking over the small island in our kitchen with a shoe in hand.

"Ahhhh!" Sheik screamed as he shook his head rapidly and crashed into the cabinets, trying to desperately get the spider put of his hair. He tossed the shoe he was holding and used his hands to shake the spider out.

The shoe flew across the kitchen, hitting me square on the face. "Omph!" I felt on my butt as the shoe hit me and held my face as Sheik was still screaming and running around.

And that was how my morning started.


"So that's why you have a bruise of your face?" Peach giggled as we both sat in a small cafe called SmashBucks.

"Yes, Peach. That is why I have a large, purple bruise on my face." I repeated, irritated.

"Wow, that's gonna be hard to cover up for the party." Peach said as she took a sip of her drink.

I groaned. I forgot about the party! How am I supposed to go looking like this?

"Dammit! I can't go like this! Ugh, stupid Sheik and his fear of spiders!" I growled as I crossed my arms over my chest.

Peach put her drink down and smiled. "Don't worry, Zel. Everyone's gonna be too drunk to care. Besides, Ike will still love you wether you have a bruise or not."

Ugh. She just had to say his name.

I felt my already dampened mood drop even more. "Yeah, awesome."

"So, what time is the party at?" Peach asked as she took a bite of her glazed donut.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I think it's at 7, I'm not sure."

Peach suddenly looked away from me and looked around the room. Her gazed stopped on something before looking at me.

"What?" I asked as I looked behind me. "What were you looking at?"

Peach blushed. "That boy behind you."

I looked back and saw Roy sitting with Link, both eating donuts. I faced Peach. "Let's go talk to them!"

Horror crossed her face as she shook her head. "No way, Zel! Are you crazy? We don't even know them! Link, maybe, but you get the point!"

I grinned. "You may not know them, but I do." I winked at her before strolling over to Link and Roy, who were laughing at something. "Hey guys! What up?" I said as I took a seat beside Link.

They both looked shocked before smiling. "Hey, Zelda." Link said as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Sup." Roy waved as he continued eating.

Peach slowly walked over, looking nervous. "Uh, hi."

They both looked over at her, looking confused. Roy raised a brow. "Uh, hey?"

"She's with me." I said as I brushed Link's arm off as stood up next to Peach. "This is Peach, she's my best friend. Peach, this is Link and Roy."

"Hey." They both greeted before chatting among themselves.

I took my seat next to Link, Peach sitting beside Roy. "So, Link, Peach told me she's watching your younger brother? I didn't know you had a younger brother?" I spoke as I leaned forward.

He swallowed his food before speaking. "Yeah, his names Toon. He's fourteen and is a freaking brat."

Roy nodded. "He's the reason why my hair is red!"

"Wait, you're not a natural redhead?" I asked, shocked.

He shook his head. "Toon put hair dye in my shampoo and conditioner. My hair's actually blonde, but I actually like it this way."

Wow, you learn something new everyday!

"Ooookay, so Link, when are you getting to the party?" I asked as I took a sip of Peach's hot chocolate, earning a 'Hey!' from her.

He thought for a second before answering. "Around 7."

I nodded. "Cool, well, me and Peach gotta go. I need to shop for a dress, and Peach is gonna tell me I'm pretty. Bye!"

Roy and Link laughed as Peach and I left. Peach turned to me. "How do you know them?" I smiled. "I have Link for first period and Roy is his friend."

"I thought you hated him?" Peach said as she walked to her car.

I shrugged. "I did, but he's actually a really cool friend."

She smiled weakly as we got in the car. "Yeah, just a friend."


I gave her a confused look, but didn't push it further.

What did she mean? Does she know about us, the plan?

I shook the thoughts away. She couldn't possibly know about the plan. There's no way.

But, then again.


Soooo here's chapter 7!!!

Lol Roy's not actually a blonde but I just wanted to add that in there, so yes he is a redhead but not in my story, so please don't get butthurt!


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-xoxohotme ;)

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