Chapter 6: Zelda's POV

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We decided to call our plan, Project Payback. Yeah, yeah, I know it sucks, but it was the best I could come up with.

It was that or Project Ike Is So Going Down. Link thought it was perfect. It was a little too long for me.

We were going to put our plan in action at Nana's 15th birthday party. Her parents were out for the weekend, so the house was all her's and her older brother Popo's.

Unfortunately, that was four days away. I couldn't tell anyone about me and Link's plan, so I had to act like everything was normal.

When it wasn't.

I had to still be friends with the backstabbing Samus, kiss and hold hands with the cheating Ike, and pretty much act like I would have every day if I hadn't caught Ike and Samus together.

Yeah, four days.

I sat at the kitchen table, waiting for Pat to pick me up. My car was still broken and I was too lazy to take it to the auto shop. Sheik was sitting on the kitchen counter, texting his new best friend, Robin, and my parents were at work.

Sheik and Robin met at my cheer practice. Not sure if you remember Roxie, but Robin is her twin brother.

I sighed and stood up from the table when I saw the clock change to 7:45. It was around the time Pat usually picked me up. I picked up my backpack that was lying next to me. I slid my phone out of my back pocket when I got I text.

Act natural. Don't give anything away!

I rolled my eyes. I knew that. He didn't need to tell me, it was kinda obvious. I sent a text back saying okay.

I felt my palms get sweaty when I saw Pat's car roll up. Samus wasn't in there, thankfully. I felt relief wash over me as I got closer to the car. I didn't have to deal with acting all buddy-buddy with Samus.

I opened the car door and sat inside. "Hey, guys." I said with fake cheer.

How badly I wanted to tell them what's been happening.

Thinking about Ike and Samus again brought tears to my eyes. I furiously wiped them away. I shouldn't be crying over Ike. That bastard doesn't deserve my tears.

Luckily, Peach and Pat were in the front and didn't see me crying.

"Hey, Zelda. Are you going to Nana's party?" Pat asked, stopping at a stop sign.

I nodded, then realizing she couldn't see me, I answered, "Yeah, I'm going. What about you, Peach?"

Peach shrugged. "I'm babysitting that night. I won't be able to go."

I sat up straight, interested. "Babysitting? Who?"

"I'm watching Link's little brother, Toon. Apparently, Link's going to the party too. Toon's fourteen, I don't know why he can't stay by himself, but I'm getting payed an awful lot of money." Peach replied as she turned the radio up. "Let's listen to some music!"

Bobbing my head to the music, I thought about Link.

He has a younger brother? How come he hasn't told me? I mentally face palmed. We've only talked a few times, of course I wouldn't know he has a brother.

Pfft, me and my stupid mind.


The girls and I walked into the school, the time being 8:02. We had 28 minutes left until school started, and I was dreading it. I really didn't want to face Ike and Samus.

"Hey! Zelda! Peach! Over here!"

Peach, Pat, and I all looked over and saw Ike, Samus and Marth, sitting at a small table. I gulped and slowly made my way over.

It was bound to happen sometime.

Seeing Ike and Samus sit right next to each other made tears, once again, threaten to fall. I tried to blink them away, hoping no one would notice, but Samus seemed to.

"Zel, you okay? What's wrong?" She asked as she stood up, walking over to me.

I put my arms out, pushing her away. "N-nothing's wrong! Don't worry, just an eyelash in my eye!" I sputtered out.

She eyed me before asking, "Want me to look?"

I shook my head rapidly. "Nope! No need, I got it out! Thanks for your help, though." I blurted out quickly, "I have to pee! I'll be right back."

I sped off, not waiting for an answer. Once far enough away, I smacked my forehead continually. "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!"

Way to act natural, Zelda!

I huffed out, "Now they'll know something's up."

"Know what's up?"

I squeaked and whirled around, now facing the person who spoke. "Ahh! What the hell! You scared me!" I yelled and put my hand over my rapidly beating heart.'

I squinted and recognized the red headed boy that always seemed to be hanging around Link. "What do you want?"

He laughed. "Nice to meet you too, I'm Roy."

I eyed him suspiciously. "Zelda."

Roy grinned. "I know who you are. Link won't shut up about you."

I blushed slightly. "He talks about me."

He nodded. "Yes! All the time, he won't stop. It's honestly getting annoying."

I glared and crossed my arms. "Are you saying that I'm annoying?"

He was about to answer when he was interrupted.

"--Zelda! Where are you? It's Peach!"

I gasped and carefully looked over Roy's shoulder, seeing Peach walking down the same hallway as me and Roy.

What should I do? I can't let Peach see me with him! She might get the wrong idea.

So I did the first thing that came to mind. Which was stupid.

I grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him onto me, my lips crashing onto his. He froze as I backed up onto the school wall, the wall pressing on my back.

I hoped he covered me up, so she wouldn't see me.

I heard her footsteps get closer before they stopped. "Eww! Gross, get a room!" Peach's footsteps slowly faded away and when they did I pushed Roy off of me.

Yes! She didn't notice me!

I gasped for air and leaned on the wall. Roy stood there, still frozen, looking confused.

"Uhh--" He started but was once again interrupted, this time, by the bell.

I immediately ran to my first period class that was actually close by. I turned slightly and smiled at Roy as I ran, "It was nice meeting you, Roy! Maybe I'll see you again, hopefully not under these circumstances!" I yelled.

He gave me a weak smiled and waved before walking in the opposite direction.

I walked into my first period class when a weird thought popped up.

Peach and Roy would make a cute couple.

Yeah, me and my weird mind.


Chapter 6 everyone! Chapter 6!

So just to make it clear THERE WILL BE NO ZELDAXROY! None! If you haven't read my profile, I am a Zelink fan. (and PeachXRoy fan)

So anyways

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