Chapter 15: Zelda's POV

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Samus and Ike.

Ike and Samus.

The whole school seemed to be buzzing about them, but I wasn't totally forgotten. Link and I were also a part of the big gossip.

Apparently, now that I was out of the picture, Samus had asked out Ike, and they were now a sweet happy couple.

I'm not sure if this was supposed to happen, but this seems to be way out of the plan. I was going to make Ike jealous, not the other way around!

Link, on the other hand, was acting perfectly normal, not at all frantic or horrified as I was. Maybe, I was just overreacting.

Or maybe my jealously was just streaming through.

I was now in fourth period, sitting in my desk as bored as ever. To my right was Lucina.

She looked different, seeing as most of the time I saw her, she was garbed in her cheerleading outfit.

Today, she was wearing a deep blue dress shirt with black legging. She had on tall dark blue boots that seemed weird but suited her.

She smiled at me. "Hey, Zelda."

I weakly smiled. "Hi, Luc."

Lucina sighed as leaned towards me. "I heard what happened. You know, between you and Ike."

Curiosity filled me up. "How did the school find out?"

Pity swirled in her eyes as she twiddled with her thumbs. "Samus told a bunch of girls that you cheated on him with Link, and Ike told the football team. I guess it spread pretty quickly."

"You think?"

"Look, I'm sorry, Zelda. I heard that Samus and Ike got together today." She snorted. "What a good friend she turned out to be."

I chuckled darkly. "Yeah, tell me about it."

Lucina opened her mouth to comment, when she was cut off by a loud ring. The class grew silent as the teacher answered the phone. The students struggled to hear the conversation, but soon after gave up and continents to talk.

Mrs. Lynn, my history teacher, called out. "Zelda, get your stuff, you checking out!"


I looked up and frowned. "Me?"

A girl who sat in front of me snorted. "No, Casper. Yes, you dummy!"

I glared as her as I stood up, the girl shrinking in her seat for my harsh look. I walked up to the front, heading out of the class, but not before waving bye to Lucina.

The hallways weren't empty, only a few students occupying it. I walked down the hallway, my feet padding on the floor.

I was about twenty feet from the office when I heard a familiar voice I wasn't hoping to hear ever again.


"Shhh! Samus, keep quiet!" A hushed voice murmured.

Then other voice giggled. "Okay."

I slowly tiptoed around the corner, peeking around and felt my heart drop when I spotted Ike and Samus leaning against each other.

Ike sighed and pushed Samus off of him. "Samus..."

She reached out for him. "Ike?"

"This was a mistake..."

Samus blinked in shock. "W-what do you mean?"

"This! This whole thing. It was a mistake. I shouldn't be here with you....I should be with Zelda."

The blonde girl's expression grew angry. "No! You shouldn't! We have a deal, and so does that dumb blonde--"

"I know....but I still love her. It's kinda hard to just forget her."

She rolled her eyes. "Blah! Love? That's stupid."

Ike turned away. "Samus...I want to...break things off."


He turned to face her. "You heard me. I'm not wasting my time here with you, I'd rather be with the girl I really want to be with."

If this was all under different circumstances, my heart would've been melting, but now, it wasn't.

I was just curious.

What deal are they talking about?

And who's the dumb blonde Samus said was a part of it?

Project Payback (Super Smash Bros Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora