Inner Demons

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"Excuse me ma'am."

"I do not," I answer while maneuvering around the stranger that is in my way out of the club.

Ma'am. How old do I look to him? Ma'am, my ass. 

I light myself a cigarette just the moment I can feel the cool, fresh air of the night in my face. I'm not sure what I expected to find when I try to hunt in a hole in the ground they call night establishment. People are sweaty and the beat from harsh electro music is pumping through the half-open doors.

Sometimes I really enjoy the hundred of scents mixed together, giving me the extra thrill of not knowing exactly what my victim will taste like. It's like opening a gift box. Sometimes you are overexcited about the contents, sometimes you need to hide your utterly disappointed face.

Tonight, it only gives me a headache.

"I really need to insist," the stranger followed me outside.

"... you really need to leave. That's what you need," I retort to the man all in black pants and shirt. The blonde hair cut short, he runs his fingers through. I turn around to leave.

He follows my fast pace away from the sight of the other guests of the club who do not care about us at all. 

"Ma'am, your life could be at risk. Please let me explain," he repeats in a hurry and I have to chuckle. Mine? I think he has no clue who he is talking to.

He nearly crashes into me as I stop within my steps a view side streets further away. Looking to my left and right I turn to face him. Maybe it's time to have some fun tonight.

"So you want to be my hero tonight?" I beam while taking the last draw of my cigarette, flicking it away.

"That's... No. I mean, yes, maybe," he stammers and I'm satisfied with his sudden shyness. I keep on staring at him while licking my lips. 

"So? I'm listening..."

"I'm a member of a special organization that is dedicated to protecting... your kind." He flashes a smile. "I'm here to warn you because they are after you."

"...and who may they are?"

"I cannot tell you more about the given circumstances as of now but I need to insist that you come with me."

I laugh out loud. Of course, I need to come with him. What are these men thinking? I really heard a lot of bad pick-up lines but this one is rather creative. I really consider coming with him. Just to caress his soft skin until the moment my fangs will ram into it and show him how it is to lose control. 

The beat from the club still on my mind I move closer to him in a dance, while playing with my hair. "So, you are the secret agent, while I'm the damsel in distress? That's what you want to play?"

Before I could reach him a suspicious click distracts me and I move my head around just in time to see the moonlight reflecting a silver piece of metal above us at a roof. Does someone dare to aim at me? 

A moment later a bullet lands on the ground just behind me. I growl out before hell breaks loose. Several uniformed snipers and gunman are aiming at me while I try to move out of their firing line. The silenced pistols and rifles are still loud enough to confuse my senses as they seem to come from every corner.

Bullets are landing in the brick walls behind and in front of me.

"What the hell!" I shout out while the stranger in front of me just frowns.

"I told you so," he seems a little too calm for my taste. Is he even a human? 

Two of the armed men come closer before one gives orders to his wrist to stay put but stop shooting. The jeans I'm wearing are a little too tight to move so much in them. At least my leather jacket gives me a little sense of security. I take a defensive stance.

"You said I am maybe at risk! Not that they around the corner!" I yell at the stranger who just shrugs his shoulders. 

"Who is she talking to?" One of the men in front of me asks.

"I don't know but they said she is special. Maybe they meant she is nuts. We need to be careful," the other whispers his answer.

"I can hear you, bastard! I'm not your usual woman," I answer with a stern look. 

The man aims his rifle at me. "Come with us voluntarily and we will not sedate you for the trip," he offers greatly. 

"I'm going nowhere. Who are you guys?"

"They are hunters. Didn't you notice that you cannot smell them?" the pretended agent tells me.

"Hunters? I haven't heard of hunters for a hundred years. People forgot about us."

"...and yet here are two right in front of you," he retorts.

"You have five seconds, leech!" The other potential threats are also coming closer, slowly but surely blocking my emergency exits.

"What about helping me out then instead of letting them shoot me?" I keep on debating instead of listening. A bullet or two won't kill me and this agent there pisses me off with his calm attitude.

"I'm not even alive anymore..." the agent scratches the back of his head with a smile. 

"Neither am I," I answer coldly, but finally start to focus on my opponent. Best to not count on anybody else I guess. 

"...Two, one," the man in front of me counts down as I jumpstart at him.

The first bullet hits my shoulder hard and I swirl around to kick the man's face with my foot. I try to keep up the speed of my movements to move away from the bullets that come flying. 

"Fire!" the man who gave me the ultimatum shouts just before I reach him to force his head to a 180-degree jolt. Another round of bullet and I guess half of them hit me, slowing me down even further.

I curse out loud as they slow me down more and more. My body starts to feel numb, starting at my fingers and toes, before it reaches my arms and feet. 

They are too many. I will not be able to kill them all. I will not be able to flee. 

Using my last few moments I reach out to grab the throat of that secret agent. My vision starts to get blurred and my senses are blunt already when I finally in front of him. Before I can squeeze it hard, the figure in front of me vanishes into thin air. Leaving me landing flatly on the concrete floor, face first.

Darkness, is this how it will end? I can see someone kneeling next to me, cold steel on my temple before a loud bang seems to tear the silence apart.

My eyes shot open as my heart races in my chest from this nightmare. The sheets of the bed are soft against my skin but the alarm clock is ringing mercilessly at my nightstand. 

A man in my arms, with blonde hair and all in black. His eyes are dull and his throat and shirt stained with the remains of my last meal.

Damn, I really should stop mixing my drugs with blood.


A/N: 1213 Words.

This is a Contest Entry for 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2019 ⏰

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