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"I'm not going to another one of these fucking charity cases. I NEED to find Haydin."I paced back and forth. Kaiden rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. "If you fucking listen to me! She's going to be there tonight." I stopped pacing and looked at him. "Don't fucking lie Kaiden." He just stared at me. "Get dressed dipshit, we're gonna be late." He threw my tux on the bed. "Always making me wear these fucking penguin suits."

"Times a wastin' young chap, HOP TO IT." I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "What do you say to the woman you've hurt numerous times? "Hey how are you? How's your life going?" I shook my head, and got dressed. I looked in the mirror, and adjusted my suit to my liking. "You look like me when I was your age." My father walked in my room, and sat on the bed. "Does it bother you," I turned and faced him. "That picture of mom. Does it bother you?" He winced. "Every day. She's gone but I can still feel her." I sat next to him. "What if she really is alive? Where could she be?" Before he could answer, Camden walked in the room. "Cars here, let's go." I sighed and stood from the bed. "Nice talk dad."

It's been years since I actually sat down and had a conversation with my father. The last time was when I called my mother a bitch because she wouldn't let me learn how to use a gun. I clenched my jaw and walked out to the car. Any time I think of my mother, I get angry. My family sat in the car waiting for me to get in. I slid in next to Gaia, and sat her on my lap. "Dmitry, why can't I have my own seat?" She huffed. "Because princesses sit on thrones." She smiled a toothless smile, and hugged me. "Baciere culo." I smacked Kaiden upside his head, smirking at his wince.

The drive to the event was much faster than I thought. "Okay princess, you have to stay with Nonna tonight okay? Don't leave her sight at all you hear me?" She nodded, and slid off my lap into Nonna's. Kaiden, Camden and I got out of the car, and walked down the carpet. "Dmitry Dmitry, what happened with you and Haydin!? Are you two still together!?" I ignored all of their questions, and walked into the hall. "Keep your eyes peeled, we could have visitors again." They both nodded, and went their separate ways. I looked around for her. I can sense her here, but I can't find her. A tap on my shoulder brought me out of my search. I turned around, and there she was. She looked breathtaking. I gulped, and scratched the back of my neck. "You look like you were searching for something." I bit my lip. "Or more of someone ." I couldn't take my eyes off of her. It's been a few weeks since I last saw her. "How are you? How have you been?" She shrugged her shoulders. "I've been okay. With all that's been going on, my parents decided to move. It's safer that way." A waiter walked past with drinks. He gave Haydin a look that I couldn't read. "Excuse me, I have to go to the ladies' room right quick." She touched my cheek, letting it linger for a while before pulling away. My eyes were on the waiter. I pulled out my phone and dialed Kaiden's  number. "What's going on?"

"The waiter, walking past you, keep an eye on him." His eyes traveled to the waiter who was about to serve Nonna, but Kaiden beat him to her. I hung up the phone and waited for Haydin to reappear. A hand took a hold of mine, and by the tingles shooting up my arm, it was Haydin. "Non è sicuro parlare qui." She whispered in my ear. My eyes widened as I faced her. "What did you say?"

"I said let's dance." She pulled me out on the floor, and wound her arms around my neck. I know I'm not crazy, but did she just say something to me in Italian? It is not safe to talk here? What is she talking about? I pulled her out of the crowd, and over to the balcony. She looked at me, shaking. "What the he---------." She held a finger up to her lips. I raised an eyebrow at her. I saw something lingering on her dress. I snatched it off, and threw it down below in the fountain. She shook her head, and held up her leg. I moved her dress, and took the other microphone off, and threw it with the other one. She sighed, and hugged me tightly. "Cara mia what is going on?" She crashed her lips against mine. "I only have 5 minutes before I have to get back before they come looking for me. Your family isn't safe here. You need to leave NOW. Nora has men here and will attack your family. She forced me and my parents to move in with her. She's trying to use me to get to you. I am only with her to keep you and your family safe. I can't say anymore, I am almost out of time." She lifted her dress, and went back in the building. Before she walked back in, she looked back at me. "I love the thought of one day loving you Dmitry Vincenzo. Go now." She disappeared in the crowd. I pulled out my phone and dialed Cam. "Get everyone and get to the car NOW." I ran back in the building, and grabbed Nonna and Nonno before pushing my sisters out the door. Kaiden and Camden grabbed dad, and we all got into the car. Mikhail sped off towards the safe house. "Dmitry what is going on? Where is Haydin?" I shook my head. "I will explain when we are home. You will NOT believe me when I tell you this."


Non è sicuro parlare qui: It is not safe to talk here

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