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He felt warm and familiar. He felt solid and safe. I wanted to cling to his shirt, bury my face in the curve of his neck and never let go. Real love doesn't meet you at your best. It meets you in your mess.

"Haydin baby I need to you keep your eyes open. Please baby stay awake."

From the first moment that we touched, your arms felt like home.

"Haydin! Baby fight! I need you to fight baby." 

You found parts of me I didn't know existed, and in you I found a love I no longer believed was real.

"Sir, please step back so we can get the bullet out of her!"

My babies. Are my babies okay? What happened?

1 hour ago

I sat in my chamber, hoping Dmitry had gotten the message and is on his way to save me. I looked out the window. I could only imagine how Dmitry was feeling right now. I miss him like crazy. We were supposed to be ending this so we could move on and be happy. We have a family to plan for, our wedding. Now, I'm afraid for us, because what if he's too late?

"Miss," I turned around fast, and saw the man who was helping me, clutching his stomach. "Run." He fell to the ground, blood pooling around him. I checked him for a gun, and tiptoed out of the room. I checked the area before I walked fully in the hallway.

I  heard footsteps fastly approaching. I ducked into one of the rooms, and waited until they went away.

"They're here for the girl! Get her and bring her down to the dungeon."

I took this as an opportunity to make a run for it. I heard a gun cock behind me. "Ah ah, not so fast sister." I turned slowly, and was faced with Emma. "Please don't.." A bullet went through her head as she fell against me, dead. I was met with Alaina. I dropped her body, and ran over to her. "Haydin honey, I need you to stay behind me at all times." I nodded, and cocked the gun I had. "Greyson, I have Haydin, what's your location?" We ran down a hallway, and ducked behind when we heard footsteps. "WHERE IS SHE!!!!" I gasped, and saw Nora storming down  the hall. Alaina whistled, and smirked at her. "Well well, what do we have here?" She tried to take another step, but was cut off by Dmitry. "You ruined my family 12 years ago. You've ruined my mother, you've ruined my fiancé, and now," he lifted his gun "I ruin you." She held her gun up at the same time, looking at me. "Do svidaniya sestra." Her gun went off at the same time as Dmitry's. I gasped. Dmitry turned and faced me. I clutched my chest. Dmitry's face turned pale. "Haydin!" Before I fell to the ground, he ran over to me, and caught me. "No, No, NO! NO! Haydin baby no!"

I cupped his  cheek. "You've made me feel beautiful when I thought I was nothing. You are the best thing I never planned. Meeting you was like listening to a song for the first time and knowing it would be my favorite." Tears streamed down my face. "Ambulance is here, we need to get her to the hospital NOW!" I felt my body being lifted. I don't know what was going on, but I do know that when I get back home, Dmitry will be glued to my side.



"What is taking so long!? We should have heard something by now!" I paced back and forth. "Son, you need to calm down. She got here in enough time." Mom tried to calm me down. I punched the nearest wall. "Figlio, Haydin would not want to see you like this." Tears streamed down my face. Fuck! Haydin please don't leave me baby!

"Mr Kennmore?" I looked up quick and raced over to the doctor. "What happened? Is Haydin okay?" He took his glasses off. "We managed to get the bullet out. She did lose quite a bit of blood. We gave her a transfusion. The babies are stable as well. You can go in and see her now. She should wake up within the next few hours." I raced down to her room, and nearly broke down. "Oh baby," I walked over to her and held her hand in my own. "I thought I lost you baby. All of you." Tears streamed down my face. "I don't know what I would have done without you." I felt her hand twitch. I pulled away to look at her face. "Haydin?" Her eyes fluttered open slowly. "Y-you can't get rid of me that easily. You're stuck with me." She reached her hand up, and wiped away my tears. "Its over. We've won." I kissed the top of her head.

Sometimes two people find each other with both broken foundations and they build together as one to make a foundation that is indestructible.

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