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Open your eyes Haydin... open your eyes. You need to open your eyes.

I gasped for air, shooting out of the bed. I looked around, and I was surrounded by darkness. " darling daughter." A woman stood in front of me in a white dress. "Where am I?" She walked closer to me. "My you have grown to be a very beautiful woman." I backed away from her. "Stay the hell away from me! You're not my mother." She sat down in a ball in front of me. "You are my daughter. I never wanted this life for you. Your father, or should I say my rapist isn't a good man. He is a mafia leader and he is a murderer. You have 3 other sisters and a brother. Your sister, Nima was killed by the Italians that your father tried to attack. They killed their Queen. Your sister Nora, she's just like your father now that Nima is dead. Stay away from her. She's already poisoned Emma and Luna with her darkness." She touched my cheek. "You are pure my daughter. Now you need to open your eyes. There's a dangerously handsome man waiting for you." She kissed the top of my forehead.

"Open your eyes Haydin... open your eyes. You need to open your eyes. "


I gasped, shooting up. White walls. A beeping sound took me out of my thoughts. "Welcome back Haydin." A strange woman stood in front of me in nursing clothes. "Dr. Tanner will be right in for you." I looked at her in confusion. "You don't remember anything that happened do you?" I shook my head. "I can take it from here Rita." Someone touched her shoulder. "You were shot Haydin, in your thigh. Dmitry almost didn't get you here in time. You lost a lot of blood." I couldn't feel the pain, but I knew it was there. "Where is he? Dmitry."  Dr. Tanner sat next to me. "He's out in the lobby. We think it'd be best if he not see you right now. We don't want to add any stress to you right now." I tried sitting up, but pain suddenly shot through my leg. "Morphine must be wearing off. I'll get you another dose, but you need to rest Haydin."

"I want to see Dmitry." He faced me with a frown on his face. "Are you sure?" I nodded my head. "Okay, I will send him in. Just hang tight."  I closed my eyes, and tried relaxing. "Cara mia.." I opened my eyes quickly, and Dmitry stood there with blood staining his shirt. "Cara mia I am so sorry..." I ran my fingers through my hair. "It's not your fault." He cupped my face in his hands. "I should have gotten you out in time. You shouldn't have been there." I sighed, and shook my head. "Dmitry you trie------------."

"I didn't try hard enough Haydin! You were shot while in my care." That hurt. A lot. You can see the pain in his face. I touched his hand. "I am okay.." He looked up at me, eyes red. "I could have lost you." I contemplated whether or not to tell him about the woman I saw, but I decided against it. Maybe it was a hoax? But she felt so real... "The hospital is surrounded by my men. You will be heavily protected here." He stood to leave. "Wait," he turned slowly to face me. "Please don't leave me..." He sighed. "Cara mia, I ca--------." 

"Please.... they're not only after you....They're after me too."

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