"What tipped you off? The noises or the almost-dead body?" Hoseok replied. She shushed him and made sure to grab something heavy as she walked outside. It was dark, but when she tried to turn the hall light on, nothing happened. She flicked it up and down a few times, but was met with the same result: nothing.

"Well, I guess the power's gone out. You staying here or you wanna come with me to check it out?" 

"I would stay here out of harm's way, but I'm way to scared of being alone, so I'm coming with you."

"Suit yourself, scaredy-cat."

Nana walked down the familiar hallway holding a foam bat that she had found in Hobi's room. She was ready to attack if need be. Despite its light weight, she was sure she could do some damage.

They reached the main room where she attempted to flip on the lights but, again, nothing. 

"Let me check if it's the whole building or just the dorms."

"Why? What does it matter?"

"Well, if it's the dorm, then it's usually a problem with the breaker. If it's the whole building, then that would probably be a whole power outage." Hoseok nodded along to her explanation.

"Never knew you were so knowledgeable."

"This is common sense, Hobi."

"Never knew you had common sense."

Suddenly, another groan sounded in the dark. Nana, on edge but still relatively unbothered, looked around. Thankfully, her eyes had adjusted slightly, and she was able to make out shapes in the dark. She placed a protective hand on Hoseok's arm before walking towards the noise, bat at the ready.

"Who is it? If it's one of you boys, I swear to God I will beat your ass with this bat for scaring the hell out of Hope."

"It's–" the unnamed person began but groaned again.

"Jin, what's going on?" Nana was around her members enough to recognize the sound of their breathing, not to mention their voices. 

"I'm hurt," he stammered out, his training in acting finally being put to use. "Something's going on outside. I-I don't know."

"Do you know why some random dude just passed out in here?"

"Oh my God, you have to get out of here. If there's someone here, it means some-something must have h-happened," he groaned again. "My side is killing me." He was holding on to his ribcage, but when he lifted his hand, it was slick and coated with a dark liquid. Before passing out, he managed to squeeze out, "be safe."

Nana, becoming more distraught as Jin slumped over on a chair, decided that her best course of action was to call for help. Yet, just her luck, the phone was disconnected. Her cell phone was left in Hobi's room, as well as his, so there was no way to call for help. Hoseok wasn't willing to be alone, and she didn't just want to leave Jin unattended. 

Hearing movement in the hall just beyond the door, she crept forward slowly and silently, almost silent. Approaching the door, she strained to hear anymore sounds before quickly swinging open the door. Feeling a sense of deja vu, another figure collapsed straight into her arms. This time, it was someone she recognized; Taehyung. 

"Are you alive?" She asked the boy in her embrace. 


"What happened?"

"We got attacked. Something is going on with the people outside. It's like they're being controlled or are set on hurting us," he shot up only to hiss in pain. "Where's Jin? He was supposed to be here."

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