Chapter 27

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I steady my body so that I'm now kneeling behind the wooden bench. God, have those 2 been bickering since just now? Damn, I don't think that they'll ever stop. 

I look towards Alex. He was shouting something about Barbara being an idiot but I didn't really pay any attention as to what they were saying. I was too focused on the gun in my hand. What should I do now? I don't want to kill someone.. I don't want to be a killer. I don't want to be like him...

But if not, then something will happen to Alex. Something bad. Barbara could hurt him really badly if I don't act. I know, maybe I could shove the gun towards him. Then he could use it to defeat her. Though, I'm not so sure if I'll be quick enough...

I gave Alex one last look and found out that he was taring at me. I showed him the gun in my hand and his eyes went wide slightly for a brief moment. He motioned his head towards Barbara and I knew what he meant , or more importantly what he wanted me to do. 

I put my hand out in a high-five sort of way, motioning for him to be patient and to wait for my signal. He nodded his head slightly and started bickering away with Barbara again. Great job at distracting her Alex, I'll give you an A+ for effort! 

Slowly, I began to stand up.My body is shaking from fear, and my hands are wobbly. What if I aim it at the wrong person? What if I injure myself? What if I hurt Alex? What if I- 

Worries. Doubts. Endless possibilities started flooding through my brain and clouded my mind from thinking. this little voice in my head, it can't stop talking no matter how hard I try to not listen to it. It only adds on to my pressure, making my body shake even more violently. 

I took a deep breath. I have to do this. I have to do this for Alex. The outcome will be worst if I don't. Alex will be hurt, and Barbara will get away with hurting innocent people. She's a crazy lunatic who deserves to be held in prison. Just don't shoot at her head nor her chest, Aim for legs Valentina. 

I brace myself and hold the gun out in between my hands. Its pointed directly at her leg, so even if I did fire, it would only cause her some excruciating pain and not death. I just need to get her off from Alex so he can take care of himself. 

Aim for her legs Valentina. You can do this. You will not kill her. These words. I kept chanting them in my head, motivating myself and giving me that small, little ounce of courage that I need. 

I steady the gun once more and take one last deep breath. I closed my eyes, clearing my mind from anything other than the current task I'm focusing on now. I took one last look at Alex. He was having a hard time coming up with things to bicker with Barbara. And she was getting impatient too. I locked my gaze on Alex and he had a firm, determined look on him. 

I was his savior. Only I could save him right now. 

Slowly, I began applying pressure onto the gun. I began pulling on  the trigger, mentally preparing myself to hear that unforgettable loud bang and ear pitching scream. 

"That's what they all say" 

That's what they all say...That's what they all say... 


Instantly, I lowered my gun to my side. No. This gun. This thing. This was the thing that took papi's life away. It was because of him . Because of that monster. It was because of him that Papi is no longer here with me. It's because of him that I'm in this situation right now. 

What would papi say about me right now? Wouldn't I had been just as bad as him if I had pulled the trigger? Wouldn't I had done the same thing that he had done? Wouldn't I had been just the same as the monster? 

I looked at Barbara. No. Nobody deserves to die. Nobody. No matter how mean or cruel that they are. 

She had a wicked smile on her face as she applied more pressure from her body weight on top of Alex. She enjoyed torturing him , that I could see. And looks like Alex did run out of things to bicker her with. 

"Any last words?" 

And that's where I lost it. 

I ran, no sprinted towards her direction. Me, being light and skinny, plus I'm only wearing a pair of converse made my running almost silent. Oh, fun fact about me. I'm a multi-tasker. Meaning, I could do more than one thing at the same moment. 

I aimed the gun in the direction opposite of my side on my right at the  ceiling as I ran. Just as I was behind Barbara, I pulled the trigger on the gun which caused a bullet to be fired at the ceiling. On instinct, Barbara turned to the right with her gun in front of her, wondering about who had fired the gunshot. 

Being small and agile, I immediately snatched the gun from her  grip and threw it as  far away as possible from across the room. Far away from her to where she won't be able to snatch it. 

Now, stupid, heroic me thought that I had just saved the day by doing that. But nope. I forgot about the fact that she had a knife in her thigh and her hand was holding onto it all along since just now. 

I'm not sure what happened. It's as if time sped up and everything happened in a blink of an eye. One second, I was aiming a gun at a woman, the other I was pulling on it's trigger and aiming it at the ceiling. For one second, I was overjoyed and relief that I had saved the day. Next thing I know  I was met face to face with a hard stoned chest and engulfed in a tight grip by strong arms. I know this particular perfume, this scent. It was like he was protecting me, using his arms and body as an armor to shield me. 

And before I know it, I'm pushed onto the hard concrete floor. But this particular someone acts as my cushion and saves me from it. Oh right. And did I mention that my gun was snatched away from my hand and fired ? No? Well, now you know. 

I was in a daze. How could everything happen so quickly? 

"Wha-what just happened?" I stammered as I tried to push myself up from Alex's grip on me. He held onto me tightly,  preventing me from getting up. The harder I tried to get him off from me, the stronger his grip would get. I was laying on top of him, and his hand was holding my back firmly in place. "Let me go Alex." I say, as I tried to get away from him once more. He gives me a stern look, staring right into my eyes. Oh no, please don't tell me what I think just happened... "No, kitten. Stay, don't go away. And do not look behind you."

I gulped. Why would he not want me to look behind? 

I nodded my head slowly. Oh god. I think I know what just happened....

"What just happened?" I asked once more, hoping he'll tell me. I really still am clueless. Being shocked  and surprised was an understatement right now. 

I stare at him, hoping that he'll give me an answer. He just chuckled and slowly began to get up so that he was using the wall behind him as support to stand. His grip on me wasn't as tight as before, but he still had his hand on my lower back and guided me up so that I was straddling him. 

I stared into his ocean blue eyes, just as he looks into my chocolate-brown ones. Question after question flooded through my mind.What just happened? Why did he not want me to look behind? What did I do? I'm sure I  must had looked like a lost puppy. A small smile graces his face as he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear that fell in front of my face. 

"You saved the day, kitten." 

"Wait what?" I exclaimed. 

 How did I? What did I do to save him? What did I do to save the day?  I just remembered firing a gun and kicking the one out from Barbara's hand. I didn't do anything much after that. It all happened so fast that it was a blur. Speaking of Barbara, what happened to her? 

I looked at Alex, as if he had just grown 2 more heads. Confusion was laced in my tone and I'm sure that he noticed. A small smirk appears on his lips as he places his hands on my hips.

"Come. I'll show you, but I don't think that you'll like the sight of it." 

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