Study Buddies (Sam & Jess)

Start from the beginning

I stood up and grabbed my bag anyway, trudging out of the classroom, just thankful to get out of that lesson. I only enjoyed it when Jess was in.

I made my way down the quiet corridors and through the school until I reached the music and art block. Pottering through the corridors, I found Mr Harrison's room but peering through the window of the door, I noticed he wasn't in there and his classroom was empty.

I started wandering down the rest of the corridor and seeing if I could see him in another classroom, when the sound of a soft voice singing grabbed my attention. I followed the sound of the voice to a door round the corner; the recording studio. I peered through the window in the door to see Mr Harrison was in there sat at the soundboard in a big chair. The singing stopped so I decided to knock on the door and open it a bit.

"Yeah, that was great Jess- oh Sam, good, you're here"

My attention turned to the recording booth at the mention of her name and saw her stood there, pulling a pair of headphones off her head. I guessed that's why she wasn't in English, obviously.

I stepped into the studio fully.

"I'm sorry for taking you out of lesson" he said.

"It's fine" I shrugged, "I hate English anyway"

"What've I missed?" Jess's voice came through the speakers. I looked up at her to see a playful smile on her lips.

"We're analysing Lord of the Flies" I said flatly.

"Wow, sounds riveting" she smirked.

"Mmm" I hummed, showing my dislike for the subject. Mr Harrison chuckled.

"I was just wondering if you had Sophie's number or an email address or something" he said.

What? Why does he want my sister's number?

"Not in a weird way, Sam" He assured, seeing my disturbed face, "I was just going to try and get in touch with her to see if she wanted to come back and do a talk with the music classes"

"Oh right" I breathed, "er, yeah" I pulled my phone from the blazer pocket and pulled up my contacts on the screen. I quickly found Sophie's number.

"I'll just go get a pen and some paper, I won't be a minute" Mr Harrison said, before standing up and making his way out of the room, leaving me and Jess alone. There was a bit of an awkward silence for a few moments.

"Y'alright?" I said, trying to make conversation.

"Yeah" she nodded, "you?"

"Yeah, I'm great, I've been reading my favourite book in english" I joked, making her chuckle softly. I sat myself down in Mr Harrison's big chair and started spinning about on it a bit to occupy myself, "your, erm, your singing was good" I said awkwardly, mentally face palming myself.

"Thanks" she said shyly, a light blush forming on her cheeks.

Aw, I made her blush. That's cute.

"Guess you take after your brother then" I thought aloud.

"Suppose... what about you? Can you sing like your sister?"

"Er, no" I laughed, "I obviously didn't get the musical gene"

Thinking about it, no one else in my family could sing so I don't think we had a musical gene. I guess Sophie was just lucky.

My fingers subconsciously started messing about with the buttons on the soundboard, my attention span obviously being very short and my brain finding the colourful knobs and dials intriguing. I accidentally pressed one particular button though, and the high pitched sound of feedback screeched through the speakers.

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