Nobody But You~ August Alsina

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Braxton: *turns around facing the dance floor* we need to be getting out on the dance floor... maybe we'll find a nice a gentleman who would drive us home.

Tokyo: I will not be driving home with some stranger people are crazy these days besides *turns around and faces the dance floor* i'm not gonn--

Chelly: *turns around* your not gonna what?

Tokyo: .....

Braxton: *looks at Tokyo* Tok???

Chelly: what are you looking at??

Tokyo: he's here...

*they look and see august with his friend in the VIP section*

Tokyo: *turns back around quickly hoping she didn't get seen*

Chelly: Seeee! Look! I told ya he was out having a good time. not even thinking about you sis

Braxton: *looks at august from a distant* Actually Chelly he looks quite miserable

Tokyo: *chugs down last shot* I gotta go.. I don't want to be here anymore.

Chelly: Tokyo he's not gonna notice you. he's all the way up there and we are down here. just relax. besides he needs to see that you are moving on with your life enjoying yourself.

Tokyo: That's the thing Chelly... I'm not enjoying myself I'm miserable!

~VIP section w/ the boys

August: *sitting on couch in VIP section* yo.. am I tripping or is that Tokyo at the bar with her tramp ass friends.

JB: *hugged up with some random girl* you know damn well Tokyo ain't at this club. she don't even go out.

August: I swear that's her...

Rico: oh shit. that is her.

August: *gets up* the fuck she doing here...

~At the bar w/ the girls~

Tokyo: he's just having his self a good ole time.

Chelly: told you girl.. he don't give a shit about you.

Braxton: might as well turn up turn up *starts dancing in the seat*

*songs changes to a slow song*

Random Guy: *clears throat* excuse me..

*all three girls turn around*

Girls: yes?*

Random Guy: *laughs* I saw you girls walk in and I must say I've never seen a group of friends as stunning as you girls are

Girls: *blushes* Thank You

Random Guy: But you.. *points to Tokyo* you're the most beautiful girl I ever seen...May I have this dance?

Tokyo: umm..i-i-i-..but..

Chelly: *pushes Tokyo off the stool* yes! yes! take her! she loves to dance

Random Guy: Shall we? *holds his hand out*

Braxton: *sips her drink out of a straw looking up at august*

Tokyo: *takes the gentleman hand* We shall...

*they go to the dance floor and dance*

~VIP section~

*the boys watches Tokyo dance with the guy*

Rico: She just having a good time. Look at her. Not giving two fucks about you. that's why I said you need to grab one of these hunnies and get down to business. she no---

JB: Rico dude shut up! you not making the situation better!

Rico: oh im not..?


August: *just stares at Tokyo and the guy*

JB: So what we gone do about this....

August: *walks off and goes to the dance floor*

Rico: Aye August man don---

JB: let him go... this needs to happen *watches august walk off to the dance floor*

~On the dance floor~

Braxton: *sees august approaching the dance floor* oh shit....

August: *walks up to Tokyo and clears his throat* Tokyo....

Tokyo: *ignores him*

August: *breathes heavily* Tokyo....

Tokyo: *ignores him again*

August: *gets aggravated and grabs Tokyo's arm* You hear me talking to you!

Tokyo: OW!*yanks her arm out his firm strong hand* WHAT DO YOU WANT?!

August: OUTSIDE NOW! *points to the door*

Tokyo: I'm not going anywh---

August: *says more firmly and aggressively*  outside .... NOW!

Tokyo: *stomps outside*

August: *mugs the random guy* she's spoken for...

Random Guy: *backs away slowly*

August: *goes outside with Tokyo*



August: what the hell you doing here Tokyo?

Tokyo: same reason why you are here. you came here to enjoy yourself right? to get drunk and hit on random girls right? well I am too *folds her arms*

August: actually no. i'm here because I've been sitting at home miserable for the past few weeks so they damn near dragged me here. none of this excites me. only thing that excites me is you but I see feelings aren't mutual... I don't want to ruin your night.. so i'll let you get back to whatever it is that you were doing and i'll leave... I can't watch you with another man.

Tokyo: soo.. you're not here for your own selfish reasons?

August: no

Tokyo: I feel so stupid.... I thought you were for all the wrong reason.. I'm sorry..

August: you thought I was here to replace you?

Tokyo: *looks down* yeah..either that or you were trying to erase the thought of me.

August: I could never... you're irreplaceable and hard to forget.

Tokyo: maybe I thought that because that's what the girls brought me here to do tonight. they told me that you were out living your life not thinking about me so I should do the same and when I saw you with JB & Rico that's what I thought.

August: woow. our friends were trying to get us to replace each other.

Tokyo: who would blame them? we cant even go two months without arguing we been going through this for two years now.

August: *grabs her hands* listen i know it's been a rough two years but these past few weeks and being here tonight reminds me that it's not fun living without your soulmate. it reminds me of how special you are and how
important you are to me. i'm sorry for all the bullshit. i'm sorry for it all. i just want us to
move forward and forget about all this nonsense

Tokyo: *sighs* august it's like a broken record we're just repeating ourselves over and over again... how do i know you're serious this time

August: *kisses her lips passionately* try me..

Tokyo: *looks at him* one more chance... that's it

August: *smiles* that's all i need. now come on. let's get you home. we got some making up to do

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