New Phos

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|Phos pov|
M/n had yet to wake and I wouldn't allow Para near him for what he has done...Milk whimpers constantly because a piece of M/n Gem was chipped resulting in his prolonged sleep.Kongo-sensei fixed it but he wont wake up.I'm not sure if he'll even recognize me now that I have the head of lapis...

I had washed his clothes but didn't bother putting them back on him.He only hand on a pain of underwear and a cover over him.

It's been six weeks and I haven't left his side because he's really the only person I'm absolutely familiar with now.Milk laid quietly now asleep in my lap.
"Nghh..Ph-Phos?"I jumped and looked at M/n;Whose eyes looked glossed over and I nod.
"I'm sorry..."I mumble because I was weak and couldn't protect him properly...But somehow he realized it was me but with the head of lapis.
"We couldn't of seen that coming...its okay."

"How do you feel?Do you remember anything?"

"...I ran off for some reason and You,lapis and I were attacked by one of the moon people...That's all I could gather from my hazy mind."I nod slightly glad he can't remember what made him run away in the first place.
"Come on let's get you dressed and into some sunshine!"

"Sounds good."I helped him get dressed and like before I slipped his heels on and helped him stand onto his feet.
"Come on,everybody is waiting to see you."

"I can't wait to see them!"I smiled because be could be so happy even after getting attacked.
He still sees me as his Phosie...
I walked slowly for him to insure he was alright.
"Phos I'm fine love~"

"I hope so."Like I said everyone was happy to see M/n.Diamond and Angel cried tears of joy and hugged him.
Para stayed back but I cocked my head signaling for them to come over and talk to M/n but stopped them then whispered.
"He doesn't remember you kissing Rulite."

"Like I said they kissed me..I love M/n."

"Then prove it by not mentioning what happened six weeks ago."Para nods and I let them go to M/n;who smiles happily at the red head gem.
"You're so mature Phos."

"Yeah sure,but i'm doing it for him and no one else Kongo-sensei."

|M/n pov|
Phos gave me a piggyback ride and I felt peaceful with them and Para.The shore was now an out of bounds area for me at the moment since the moon person came from the water and Kongo-sensei isn't sure if it's still here or not.Aculeatus has been on the look out since I've been sleep and he doesn't even know that I'm awake.

So we decided to wait for him on the hill.To pass the time I watch Para and Phos train but it didn't seem like training...Like Phos was really trying to hurt para.I watch intensely as they fought and Para slipped up,falling to the ground.
"Geez this is embarrassing."Para sighs out as i walk over and plop down next to them.
"Don't feel bad about it.We are alive, after all. And being alive is pretty much a constant stream of embarrassment."

"I'm not sure if that was supposed to me make feel better or even more embarrassed?"They smile and gentle caress my cheek with a loving smile.
Phos clears their throat and I blush.
"Para,he's right.It was a slip up noting to be embarrassed about."

"You're sooo mature Phosie."They in turn blush from the nickname because I've never said it in front of others until now.

"Shut it Para!"I smile as the two go back and forth for a couple of minutes then Aculeatus was now coming up the hill.
"Aculeatus!!Hii!"His eyes showed joy and he ran over and hugged me tightly;lucky for me I didn't need air or I surely would of died from how tight he was holding me.Aculeatus was now in full blown tears due to my finally being awake.
"I was so worried about you and Phos in the beginning!"


I wasn't sure why but I felt uncomfortable near Rulite's lab.My mind was trying remember what happened by I couldn't.
I wonder why I ran off,something must of hurt my feelings..
"M/n,why are you all the way over here?"Phos questions with a pair of bed room slippers.
"I felt like wandering for a bit."I said slipping my feet into the said slippers after they put them down.

They guide me back to my room by hand.
"I never noticed that it was getting cold."

"It's almost winter,will you be hibernating with the others?"

"Hibernating?"Phos gave out a quick oh and explained that most Gem sleep during the winter.
"Sleep sound pretty boring,I love winter and I'm going to love playing in the snow since I won't be affected by the cold!"

"Ah okay,let's inform Kongo-sensei."

"Yay!"We nearly stayed up that night reading book from my time.Phos had fallen asleep with their head on my shoulder,smiling cutely holding my hand.
You really missed me didn't you?
I laid them down and curled up meat to them.
Their like the sibling I'v always wanted!They remind me of a serious version of Nikita...


The morning was busy with everyone doing on things or another while Phos,Aculeatus,Para,and I went to speak with Kongo-sensei about my staying up during the winter.
"How are you feeling M/n?"

"I'm feeling great!It's also nice to see they don't have to beat your head in to wake you up today."

"I've been up all night listening to laughter,It wasn't the same without you."Kongo-sensei said ruffling my hair.I looked up at him and a flash of my father's face appeared.I must of been staring because he tilts his head.
"Is something wrong?"

"You remind me of my father."

"Then if you want me to be a parental figure then I shall be."Kongo-sensei smile warmly and gave me permission to stay up during the winter.Then explans what we'er to do if a gem wakes mid winter or at any time.
I played with Milk in my room for the time being as i wait for Aculeatus to come.
"Sorry I was late!So what do you have for me today?"

"Oh!I'm going to tell you about the eye of London!"



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