It'll be ok

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Monokuma was close it finishing the secrets. "Chihiro Fujisaki... her deepest darkest secret is..... She is actually a he. That's right! Chihiro Fujisaki was secretly a guy!" Monokuma announced. Chihiro looked to the ground. There were a few whispers and soft gasps. But one thing everyone could hear was Byakuya. "Tsk." the Ultimate affluent progeny scoffed. "Just makes you look weaker." he said.

That hit Chihiro hard. Mondo let out a low growl. "One more time Togami. One. More. Time." he said. Byakuya just rolled his eyes and looked back to Monokuma. Mondo sighed and placed a hand on Chihiro's shoulder. Chihiro looked up at him and smiled lightly. 'I got you..' Mondo mouthed to him. 'Same..' Chihiro mouthed back.

"Alrighty! Next up, Mondo Oowada!" Mondo went pale hearing his name. "Let's seeeee~" he said, getting out the envelope labeled with Mondo's name. "Phu hu hu~ I've been waiting for this one~ ahem." Mondo clutched his fist and stiffened, as if he was awaiting to be hit in the stomach with a basketball. "Everyone~ your friend, Mondo Owada, had got his brother killed!" he announced.

There was a loud gasp from almost everyone in the room and they all turned to look at Mondo. "M-Mondo..?" Aoi mumbled. "D-did you... did you really... k-kill?" "N-NO!" Mondo yelled. "I-I just.... W-we were having a street race... I-I was being stupid! I.. I didn't.." "It was an accident!" Chihiro's soft voice yelled. Mondo looked at him in surprise.

"Y-yeah!" Taka rushed to their side. "I-i'm sure whatever happened was just an accident. A freak accident!" He yelled. "So what?" Byakuya said. "Even if it was an accident, doesn't mean it didn't happen." he walked in front of the group. "B-Byakuya, what are you.."Makoto tried speaking until Byakuya interrupted him. "What matters is that you caused it. It was it was your fault." "Togami. Stop it." Sakura yelled from the crowd. Byakuya was right in front of Mondo, who looked close to breaking. "You were a killer before you even came here." "Enough!" Taka yelled and pushed him away from Mondo. "You have no right to be saying such things!" "Y-yeah!" Chihiro yelled. "Y-you leave our friend alone! Stupid bully!" "I don't care who you are, but I will not tolerate you to give this kind of treatment to anyone! Especially not my best friend!"

Both Chihiro and Taka were mad at him, but Mondo, for once, was not standing up for himself. Insted, he was staring at the ground, the fight that was happening right in front of him seemed a million miles away. He thought about what Byakuya was saying. If it wasn't for him being power hungry, he wouldn't have challenged his brother. If it wasn't for him being negligent, he wouldn't have rushed into traffic and nearly got hit himself. If it wasn't for him.... Daiya wouldn't have died.... 'It was my fault..' He thought to himself.

Without a second thought, Mondo bolted out of the room. He ignored the yelling of Monokuma and the other students telling him to stop or asking where he was going. He just ran. Ran to who knows where. After a while, Mondo had tripped over something, falling on his face. "O-ow.." Mondo groaned, getting on his knees and holding his forehead. He glanced around the room and quickly noticed it was a classroom.

Mondo sighed and looked to the ground. "It... was my fault.... My fault..... My fault my fault my fault my fault my fault!" he cried out, feeling tears run down his cheeks. "I... killed him.... Togami's right.... I am a killer.... Just a good for nothing killer..." "Mondo?" he heard a voice call out to him. He panicked, not recognizing the voice at first, and hid under the teachers desk. 'I-I cant let anyone see me like this! I-I gotta stay strong! E-even if I'm weak I need to stay strong!' "Mondo?" the voice called again. He quickly peaked out from the desk and saw Chihiro.

"Y-you in here? E-everyone got worried when you left s-so... I d-decided to see if you're o-ok." Mondo hid back under the desk. He didn't want anyone to see him. Not like this. "P-please don't hide... I j-just want to help. W-whatever's wrong.. W-we got each other... s-so.. Please.." Mondo looked down. 'No... no no no... I can't let him find me...' he thought. 'I-I just need to stay-' then Mondo stopped. "W... what am I doing...?" he said quietly to himself.

A Different Story, a Chimondo FanficWhere stories live. Discover now