Guard Duty

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A few hours had passed and it was now night. Mondo and Sakura agreed they would each stand guard for a total of two hours, since neither could stay awake for half a night. That and no one wanted them to fall asleep in the hall and get punished by Monokuma. Mondo would take ten to twelve, they'd leave the room alone one to four, knowing she'd probably be asleep, and said she'd take five to seven, but was planning to start earlier. "You sure we should be taking such a long break in between shifts?" Mondo asked. "Its better like this. We don't need anyone passing out on us after all. Besides, she cant stay up all night, right?" Taka smiled.

"I guess.." Mondo shrugged. "Anyway, I should head to my room. See you tomorrow bro." and with that, Taka walked to his room. "Night.." Mondo smiled. He took a look at Toko's door and sighed. Mondo just stood there in silence. Seconds turned to minutes, and soon enough minutes turned to an hour. He was already board. Rubbing his eyes to keep them from closing, Mondo slowly sat down. "M-mondo?" a soft voice that he immediately recognized spoke up. The biker looked down the hall and saw Chihiro peeking out of his dorm. "Hey.." the smaller boy waved.

"C-chihiro? The hell are you doing up?" "Couldn't sleep..." He mumbled, walking over to Mondo and sitting next to him. "A-alright.." mondo said. "So... you alright with me staying out here with you?" "Yeah.." Mondo knoded. "A-alright... thanks..." Chihiro smiled. The two went silent for a bit. It was only ended by Mondo yawning. "Mm.. damn it..." the biker muttered. Chihiro chuckled. "Sleepy?" "Y-yeah... just a bit.." the smaller boy smiled. "You know, Tegan is always getting those instant matcha things from the storage room. If you'd like, I can go see if they've got something more caffeinated to keep you up?" "N-no it's fine.." Mondo mumbled. "W-well... ok... if you say so..."

The two went silent for another little bit. "So... how much longer are you supposed to be out here?" Chihiro asked. "Hm... not to much longer. Maybe... I think I have another hour at least." the biker sighed. "Ok." Chihiro smiled sweetly. Mondo looked at him and started thinking. "Hm..." he then thought of something and blushed lightly. "H-hey... Chihiro?" Mondo asked. "Yes?" "You... aren't just here to keep me company, are you?" He asked. Chihiro went silent before smiling lightly. "Heh... should have guessed you'd figure it out." he smiled lightly. "I didn't want you to stay out here alone... I wanted to keep you company!" Chihiro said, smiling his sweet smile. The one that always made the biker blush.

"W-well... th-thank you Chihiro... it's nice of you to think of me but... you don't need to do this..." "Huh? Why?" he asked, tilting his head. "W-well... I don't want you falling asleep on me." Mondo said, avoiding eye contact with him. "A-alright..." Chihiro said kinda sadly. "See you in the morning?" "Y-yeah. Of course." the biker nodded. And with that, Chihiro slowly got up and went back to his room. Mondo felt a little sad making for him go. "Dawwwww~ I wonder... did he shoo him away because he cares or because he doesn't? Whoooooooo knows?" there was a strange high-pitched voice and it sounded like it was coming from behind the door.

"Then again, maybe the answer is simple~ Hm... Hmmmmmmmm~ Well, we won't know until we hear it from the source. What do you say Big Guy~?" Mondo stood up in a flash and backed away from the door, as it slowly creaked open. From the darkness, Toko stood, but she was different. Red eyes, long tongue, and the sheet that tied her to the bed was ripped. "T-toko?" "Hey! That's Genocide Jack to you!" she yelled. "W-what are you doing here?" "Oh, don't look so surprised. Everyone sneezes after all~" Jack smiled sadistically.

Mondo took a step back. "You.. change when you sneeze?" "Yep yep! Means I could come around at any time~" the killer twirled one of her pairs of scissors on her finger. "So, Mr. Corncob, how long did you say you have? An hour or something right?" "CORNCOB!?" Mondo yelled angrily. Jack let out a crazy and sadistic laugh. "Ahaha! Looks like I touched a nerve~ What cha gonna do big guy? Well? What cha gonna do?" Mondo gritted his teeth. "Gr... I cant hit a girl.." he groaned. "Dawwww, I was hoping to run some energy.." Jack whined as Mondo slouched against the wall. "Whatever.."

"Mm.... Corncob, I'm board!" the serial killer whined. "So? Why the hell should I care?" "Cuz you're my guaaaaard! Remember? That doormat friend you yours let you stay out for a few hours to gurd miss Toko and I inside." "Yes. And?" Mondo arched an eyebrow, not sure where she was going with this. "Well, that means it's your job to keep an eye on me and watch over me." "Uh... where exactly are you going with this?" "Well, if you are meant to watch me-" then, quick as a bullet, she started sprinting. "DON'T LET ME OUT OF YOUR SIGHT!" she yelled. "Wh-HEY!" Mondo took off after her.

For the remainder of Mondo's time on duty, he was chasing the killer through the school, starting with the big main room of the door area, then looping into the bath house, then back out and into the school, going down the hall, ducking into classrooms, into the AV room and leaving as soon as they entered, running two or three times around the gym, going upstairs with Jack going into the girls changing room and Mondo entering the boys only for them to meet in the pool area. It was then that Mondo grabbed a hold of the killers arm and was able to stop her. Through the whole chase, the two made a complete mess of the school.

"Dawwwww! You caught me!" the killer chuckled. Mondo was out of breath. "Don't... ever... do that... again...." he huffed, trying to catch his breath. "Oh c'mon corncob. I thought you'd be more athletic than that!" "Stop.. calling... me... corncob..." Mondo ground. "Well, at any rate, I think your time is up. Back to bed corncob!" she chuckled. "Ugh... whatever..." Mondo groaned and made his way back to his room, Jack skipping behind him. Once he returned to the student dorms, Mondo glanced at Jack. "Welp, nighty night corncob!" she smiled before going into her room. "For the last time! Don't- ugh... whatever.." he groaned and walked into his room, flopped onto his bed. "Ugh... she is so weird..." he groaned. "Well, at least I won't have to deal with her until tomorrow night... until then... I get to hang out with friends, train with Chihiro, and forget about her existence for a day..."

He smiled a bit, thinking about the day to come, about friends, about training with Chihiro. His smile grew a small bit as he slowly drifted into sleep. He was out for a good five minutes before hearing a loud noise. Mondo's head shot off his pillow and looked at the door. He went over to open the door, looking around, noticing nothing out of place. Slowly, Mondo got up and checked outside his dorm. Nothing looked suspicious, until he noticed a note stabbed on to his door with one of Genocide's pairs of scissors.

He looked down the hall and noticed Toko's door was open a tad bit. He also could have sworn he saw a flash of red from the door. Letting out a sigh, Mondo took the note off of the door and looked at it. It read, "You never answered the question." Mondo stared at the note before glancing at Toko's dorm. He sighed lightly and then smiled a bit. "You already know." And with those final words, he returned to his room for the rest of the night.


I feel I went rather out of character and off the story line, but I hope you all like it anyway!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 11, 2019 ⏰

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