Strong in the real way

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 The very next morning, Mondo and Chihiro walked to the dining hall for breakfast. As Chihiro looked around the room, it felt emptier than normal. Like people were missing. Apparently he wasn't the only one who thought so. "H-hey.." Taka, the Ultimate moral compass and Mondo's best friend, spoke up. "A-are we missing anyone? E-even the table feels bigger.." He said. "I understand why you feel that way." Kyoko, the Ultimate detective, said. "After all, two of our fellow students refuse to come. And three more are dead."

Chihiro shuttered thinking back to the murder and execution. First, Sayaka, the Ultimate pop idol, had been stabbed and killed only a few days ago. Then Junko, the Ultimate fashionista, had been executed for breaking one of the rules. Finally, Leon, the Ultimate baseball star, had been executed after he was found guilty of murdering Sayaka during the trial. Three deaths in one day. Chihiro never thought he'd go through anything like this but.. Here he was. Trapped in this school of despair, forced to play this game of life or death.

Mondo sat down and propped his feet up on the table. Chihiro sat across from him, looking around the room at everyone. Everyone was seated in their normal seats. On Mondo's right, there was Makoto, the Ultimate lucky student, and then Taka. On his left, there were two empty seats. One had belonged to Junko, the other to Leon.. After those two, there was Sakura, the Ultimate martial artist. To Chihiro's left, there was an empty seat. That was where Sayaka used to sit. To his right, there was Aoi the Ultimate swimming pro, Celestia, the Ultimate gambler, and Hiro, the Ultimate clairvoyant. At the end of the table closer to Chihiro, Kyoko was seated. The other end of the table, where Hifumi the Ultimate fanfiction writer normally sat, there was no one. Though that wasn't too surprising. Ever since a few days ago, Celestia kept forcing Hifumi to make her tea. He described it as someone picking on someone they like, but most of us agree It's just Celeste being high-maintenance and demanding.

Chihiro let out a soft sigh. "Mondo?" Celeste's voice made Chihiro look up. "Huh? Whats up?" Mondo asked, looking over at her. "Excuse me for intruding, but.. Why are your hands bandaged?" She asked. "O-oh, um. I was at the gym last night and uh.. Got a bit scratched up." He explained. "You were outside? At night!?" Taka yelled. "What about the rule we established!? Don't you remember what happened last time someone went out at night!? Someone got murdered!" He yelled. Mondo just let out a sigh. "I know, I know. Sorry bro, I just... Needed to let off some steam.." He gazed away.

Hifumi came out of the kitchen, carrying a tray with milk tea. "H-here you are Miss Ludenberg." He said, handing the tray to Celeste. "Thank you." She said, sipping her tea. "Hmm.. you're getting better.." she said. Hifumi smiled triumphantly before taking his seat. 'At least she's grateful..' Chihiro thought to himself.

Soon enough, everyone had gotten their food and started eating. There was a short silence before someone spoke up. That someone was Makoto. "So.. guys? Out of curiosity, anyone... doing anything today?" "Mm.. No." Celeste said while sipping her tea. "I was planning to rearrange my room and stock up on stuff from the storage room. After that, I didn't have any plans." Taka said. Everyone else had a similar answer. Everyone, except Mondo.

"I was actually planning to hang out with Chihiro." He said. Everyone looked at him with the same surprised face. Including Chihiro. "Is that so~?" Aoi chuckled. "Yes. That's so." Mondo snarled at the swimmer girl. "So, might I ask what you two are doing?" Taka asked. Mondo rolled his eyes. "Chick wanted me to train her. Got nothin' better to do, so figured, might as well." Chihiro smiled slightly. Mostly because he was grateful Mondo was keeping his secret.

"Speaking of which," Mondo stood up. "If you're finished, grab your duffle bag and meet me at the gym." And with that, Mondo walked off. Everyone turned to look at Chihiro. Chihiro got up a second later and went to his room to get his bag and tracksuit.

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