"How could you?!" Johnny asked Leo angrily. Leo looked beyond lost, Amanda at his side.

"Cmon Leo. Let's just go." Amanda said, pulling on Leo's sleeve. She looked worried towards Johnny. What were they even talking about?

I stood up slowly, but Jacky grabbed onto my arm, motioning for me to sit back down.

"What are you talking about?" Leo asked, trying to keep his cool.

Johnny groaned in frustration," How can you not remember? How can you not put the pieces together?" He eyed Leo.

"Leo! Let's leave." Amanda grabbed onto Leo's sleeve, trying to pull him but he wouldn't budge.
Leo furrowed his eyebrows, staying in his place and not keeping his eyes off Johnny.

"Don't you want to know why you keep on going back to Marlie?" Johnny raised his eyebrows.

I held my breath. No. This can't be happening right now.

Leo hesitantly looked towards Amanda, who paused at that comment.

"Look, I don't have time for this." Leo sighed, clearly annoyed. He started turning away, but Johnny grabbed him by the collar, causing a gasp coming from me and Amanda. I've never seen Johnny this mad.

Johnny scoffed," Honestly Leo. I had more faith in you. This wasn't why I gave up being with Marlie. So you can just break her heart like this."

I shrugged Jacky off and I walked over towards them angrily. How can Johnny say that? I was fine with Leo not knowing.

"Johnny, stop!" I stepped next to them.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Leo asked Johnny. He tried taking his hands off, but Johnny wouldn't move, his grip only getting tighter.

"Can't you see what's right in front of you?" Johnny asked Leo angrily.

"You're crazy." Leo finally got Johnny off, and he stumbled a bit backwards.

Johnny narrowed his eyes at Leo," I'm the crazy one?"

"Johnny stop." I warned him.

"I don't know who Marlie was to me in the past. But honestly, I don't really care. If you didn't know, I'm getting married soon. So just leave me alone." Leo threatened Johnny now with wide eyes.

I couldn't help but feel hurt because of that comment. I looked at Leo, a frown on my face and tears threatening to fall down my cheeks.

Johnny gave a mix of a scoff and a laugh, looking over at Leo.

"You know what, I've held back long enough." Johnny mumbled angrily. I watched as he held up his fist, getting ready to punch Leo.

My eyes widened. Without thinking, I moved in front of Leo, blocking him with my body. I shut my eyes, ready for a punch. But nothing came next. I opened my eyes slowly, blinking at the fist that paused right in front of my face.

Johnny slowly lowered his fist, looking at me in disbelief. I gave out a sigh of relief, turning slowly towards Leo. He looked down at me, an expression of surprise on his face. He opened his mouth to say something, but I turned away from him sadly.

Why did I do that?

"Leo, let's go." Amanda urged Leo more, clearly angry.
I felt a tear go down my cheek. I bit my lip, trying to keep more from coming down.

"Yeah. Yeah, okay." Leo mumbled towards Amanda, before starting to walk away with her.

I wiped my tears with my sleeve.

Johnny looked at me and then at Leo who was walking away.

"Do you even know why Marlie's back is all messed up? Do you even want to know?" Johnny threatened as Leo kept on walking.

"Johnny, don't say anything." I warned him. I didn't want Leo to know. It was so pathetic. I was so pathetic.

Leo didn't say anything, nor did I see him turn around since my back was facing away from him.

"It was because of you. You're the one who ruined her back." Johnny called out louder.

"Stop!" I cried stepping in front of Johnny.

"Stop it already. Haven't you done enough?" I asked Johnny angrily, tears streaming down my cheeks. I gave out a shaky breath, before wiping my eyes and turning away, basically running out.

How pathetic was I? I just protected a man who doesn't even love me or remember me. He's marrying someone else. And I still have these stupid feelings inside of me. I thought I was over it? What happened to that numb feeling from before? Why is everything suddenly coming out?

I ran into the girls bathroom, locking myself in a stall and leaned down, sobbing into my sleeve. How pathetic.

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