"We're the new transfer students," Nico speaks up from behind me. Luna's eyes widen in interest while Neville startles slightly, it's clear he didn't notice there was someone else in the compartment.

"Neeks, you're awake," and just in time too.

He stands and stumbles over to the door, leaning on me for support. He's still weak from shadow traveling. I can feel the darkness in him from where his shoulder is touching mine. If I wasn't so worried about blowing our covers, I would try using my Apollo healing powers on him. Instead, he'll have to wait until Neville and Luna leave and I can get him some medicine from my bag.

"Transfers?" Neville isn't buying the story right away. Luna continues to examine Nico, so I can't figure out if she's still listening to the conversation, let alone believe us.

"To strengthen  relations between MACUSA and the Ministry after the war." I don't understand everything Nico's going on about, but it looks like it's convincing Neville.

A student walks between Neville and I, making it obvious that our conversation is taking up most of the hallway. "Uh, would you like to sit down?" I offer so that we won't be in the way.

"We should actually be getting back to our own compartment now that I've found Trevor. Our friends will be wondering where we are," He explains and grabs Luna's hand to lead her back down the train. I nod goodbye before retreating back into the safety of our own compartment.

With a sigh, I collapse onto the bench. Lying is exhausting. "Well that could have gone better," Nico speaks up, plopping down beside me and using me as a pillow.

"I think it went rather well."

Nico rolls his eyes at me. "They're suspicious, that's never a good thing."

"You don't know that, maybe they believed us." I nudge Nico off of me so that I can get up. Grabbing my bag from the over head rack, I take out a canteen of unicorn draught and a square of ambrosia. When I turn to give them to Nico, I'm greeted with his 'are you and idiot' stare.

"They recently finished a war. Transfer students or not, I'd almost be more worried if they weren't," he reasons. He takes the godly medicine from me and gulps it down. A little bit of his natural olive colouring returns. It's not perfect, but at least he doesn't look so much like a ghost. "We should probably get dressed. We should be there soon," he suggests. I want to ask how he knows when he's been asleep for most of the trip, but an announcement over the intercom confirms it before I can.

I practically jump into my uniform robes. This ride has taken forever, I can't wait to get off and do something. Nico's slower in changing, still groggy from only recently waking up. Ten agonizing minutes later the train finally screeches to a stop. The hallway fills with students all at once and I have to grab onto Nico's sleeve so that I don't lose him. Outside of the train isn't much better. Off to one side of the clearing we stopped in is a row of black carriages being swarmed by students. On the other side is a giant of a man calling for first years.

"Should we go with them?" I ask, gesturing toward the growing group of eleven year olds. Nico considers it until the man yells something about boats and shakes his head. "Right, Son of Hades and water don't mix," I remember. To the carriages then.

Once again, I grab onto Nico and drag him through the crowd. I try to avoid pushing people out of the way, but really it was unavoidable. At least I shout a quick "excuse me," or "I'm sorry," every time I do. We finally reach a break in the horde of students that let us reach the carriages. Ones that are clearly not being pulled by regular horses.

"It's your Patronus." Yes I know what that astral projection thing is called, it was one of the first things Nico taught me.

He hums in agreement. "A thestral," he clarifies.

It Looks Like a LieWhere stories live. Discover now