1 - Serendipity

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One week after at the Leaf Village


While she was racing fast to enter the studio, unwilling to miss her mom's TV interview she bumped into a man wearing a cloak.

She fell on the floor and unknowingly her eyes turned red. She looked at him and his eyes were red as hers.

She had only seen them in books. She had never seen a real sharingan aside from hers. It was similar to what she possessed.

She felt cold and was shivering when that man came closer to her stunned and speechless. Her mind raced with plenty of thoughts and questions but a loud ring from her phone distracted her.

She immediately stood up and answered her phone walking fast away from him. "Yes mom I'm coming. Dad said he will just fetch us. There's a little problem at the office."

She was disturbed the whole time of the interview as she was thinking about the man earlier. She watched her mom on the stage being interviewed. She was proud of her mom as she listened now to her answer on the last question.

"I never regretted anything in my life. I am happily married to Rock Lee with four kids. I am blessed by God to have a loving husband and adorable kids. In fact my eldest is here to support me." Sakura Haruno-Lee answered the interviewer - Konohamaru, who was prying on her private life on his late night talk show.

She blew a flying kiss to her daughter's direction. "Hi Sarada!"

Sarada shyly stood and waved to the audience and the camera.

All the audience applauded and stood with ovation.


She is her eldest daughter? He thought.

This leaves Sasuke uncomfortable and unhappy. His eyes turned red with indignation. He was still stunned with the young girl who had a sharingan. He wanted to approach the girl, but she was seated in the front row.

That girl is an Uchiha. She is my daughter. I know she is. How come I didn't know? Why didn't you tell me Sakura? Why do you seem so happy? How could you have moved on while I have not? He said to himself.

He would loved her to be happy but to be happy with him. He was drown with jealousy when Sakura answered the last question. His heart broke by her answers.  He wanted her to cling back to him like she used to do. He missed that, he missed her a lot. He wasn't able to move on with his feelings for her.

He is in wroth that he knew he had a daughter from Sakura and when he could not contain his displeasure anymore, like a blink of an eye, he was already behind Sakura as he whispered "You're still annoying."


Like everyone else in the studio, she was taken aback. She heard the whisper from a very familiar voice. The voice of the one she used to love. She knew it was Sasuke.

Why is he here? What's he doing making  a scene and distracting me like this. She thought she could be dreaming but as she turned her head, she met his eyes, and it was indeed Sasuke.

Before she could say something, he left again in a blink of an eye. He left again...

Just like how he used to do years back. As usual he would moved her heart and make her wonder again.

She hated it. She hated him for a long time. She hated herself for sometimes thinking about him.  She hated herself again this time for he had surprised her but still thrilled her. 

This time he's gone but he left a small note on the floor written on an origami.  It was shaped like her favorite flower.

He wanted to meet me at that place where we last parted. What could he be thinking? Why would he come and go? Why would he open my wounds again? What is there to talk about? Why would he meet me there?  She silently cried.


She had mixed emotions and was trying to erase what she saw. She does not want to pry from her mom. It seemed like she was moved by what that man said. She waited for her mom to say something. But she just kept silent. They were both silent inside the car.

"Hey what happened to my beloved daughter and wife?" Lee cheerfully asked them.

He got no answer from both of them as they just avoided his question and both tried to sleep.

They both felt guilty though and said "I'm just tired." In a duet.

This made Lee smile. He thought. Maybe these girls have their monthly period or they have quarreled again as usual.

Sarada thought about that man and compared him to his dad. She had thought that maybe her real dad was that man because he resembles her.

Her intuition tells her that there was something between her mom and him. But she is in denial. She cannot replace her loving dad.

Her mom and dad never said anything about her identity. As she was growing up,  her questions are also piling up. She had questions but she kept it to herself and waited for her parents to say something.

Ever since she noticed the changes in her eyes,  she did a lot of secret research about it. She found out it was called a sharingan. And there is only one in the record who is alive with a sharingan.

It was Sasuke Uchiha.

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