"He's from class!" I claim and Miles scans the room,

"Go somewhere else!" He says moving away quickly.


I tripped over somebody's foot and landed face first.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah M- Oh!" I look up and realise its not Miles- it's the guy from class.
He pulls me up to face him and my face reddens in embarrassment,

"We have Business together, Mr Martinez's class?" He reminds me like I didn't remember,

"I'm Tony by the way!" He flashes a smug grin- don't get me wrong he wasn't the worst looking guy in the world but he wasn't Miles.


"Laura I already know!" He interrupts eagerly,

"I mean can you blame me for knowing a beautiful girls name like yourself?" He added.

I faked a smile but I felt uncomfortable.
Only he gets to compliment me. I'm his.

"Can I get your number maybe? It would be great to hang out sometime!" He says and places his phone in my hand. Not wanting to be rude I put my phone number into it. I could feel his eyes on me from the other side of the room as I knew he was watching me.

"Thanks" He winked as I gave him back his phone,

"Well I've got a movie to see haha, I'll see you in class." He adds before walking into the double doors,

I turn around to see his frustration showing on his face, he storms up to me and grabs my wrist, leading me out of the cinema angrily,

"Miles what the fuck!"

"Miles get off!"
We get into the car and he says nothing. Whenever he's quiet its normally bad, but nothing happened?

"What is your problem?!" I yell,


"That doesn't mean I like him!"


"I never said that!"
He says nothing.

"What was the point of being rude and saying no?!"

"You shouldn't have even let him help you up! Your my girlfriend, Your mine! You should have said you weren't single!"

"And say I'm dating our teacher?!"

"No don't have to say who!"

"Why do you have to be so jealous over nothing? It's not like I asked to go out sometime!"

"But he did and you didn't say no!"

"So do you want me to not talk to any guy except you?! Is that what you want Miles?!"


"Your fucking ridiculous" I answer back and cross my arms. He rolls his eyes and starts the car. As were driving his hand rests on my thigh but I push it off still annoyed. He scoffs and the ride back was silent.

We finally got back to his and I got into my car,




*Door swings open*

"UGH!" I grunted before laying down on the couch burying my head into it.

"You okay Laura?" Camille asks handing me the big bag of crisps. I sit up and eat them angrily.

"What happened now?" Ashley asked and I passed the bag bag. She turned off the tv and I sat there saying nothing but anger and irritation were spread across my face.

"I FUCKING HATE EVERYONE!" I screamed suddenly grabbing a pillow to cuddle. Camille and Ashley looked at each other before looking back at me.

"I don't mean you two." I add and they roll their eyes,

"Obviously you don't I'm amazing!" Ashley states.

I sigh and rest my head in one hand.

"I'm not even allowed to talk to anybody else! He's too overprotective! And he always has to argue and get mad and we always argue but were newly together! I don't even know what the fuck is going on!"

"Why don't you just talk to him?" Camille asks eating another crisp,

"I've already tried"

"Then dump him!"

"I'm not going to dump him!"

"Why not?!"

"Because I like him too much"

"Your relationship is toxic then I guess."
No..Our relationship..Toxic? Of course it isn't!

"It can't be!" I say defensively,

"Well I don't even know the guy so how can I help?!" Ashley states which makes me go quiet again.

"You know what? Turn the tv back on."

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