Chapter 9- In Which We Go to Class

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of birds chirping. It was a nice way to wake up. I felt refreshed. I swung out of bed, and noticed I was still in my clothes from yesterday.


Suddenly my mind started buzzing with everything I had seen yesterday.

I was a Myth.

Which means fairy, unicorn, phoenix, mermaid, and uh...something else I forgot.

I froze where I was standing, and slowly sat back down. My legs felt like jelly. I would have dismissed it as a dream, but here I was, in the same room with the six girls I had entered the night before. My breath felt like it had been sucked out of me.

"That's what I felt like too," a quiet voice said. I whipped my head around, searching for the voice. It was Sophie, at the bed near the wall. She was wearing a green short sleeved blouse and a black skirt. She also had a black headband in. She noticed my attention to her outfit and blushed. "They have clothes for us in the wardrobes," she said, gesturing to wardrobes on the wall across from each bed. I stood up slowly, and walked over to my wardrobe. I opened it, and lined up perfectly, were lilac colored short sleeved blouses and black skirts. There was also a basket with hair accessories on one of the shelves to the side, all black. "Well at least there's some variety to the school uniform," I murmured. I picked up a clip that looked like a flower. I reminded me of my butterfly clip (which was the one thing I had sense to take off the night before).

Suddenly, music boomed throughout the room. It was so loud I almost jumped out of my skin. It was a weird jazzy song I've never heard, but looking back I don't think I noticed not was too loud. Sophie and I jumped a little, and Anna and Talia literally jumped out of bed. Amy sat up, looking terrified.

Audrey, however, jumped out of bed, threw her pillow across the room, and kicked her bedside table, demolishing it, all in one swift movement.

I stared at her a little, in awe and a little scared. Her mouth moved, but I couldn't hear her over the insistent pounding of the music.

She moved her mouth again, screaming. I barely caught the words. "How do we stop it?!?" she shouted. I shrugged helplessly. My ears felt like they were about to explode. Talia had put a pillow over her ears.

Suddenly, the music abruptly stopped. My ears buzzed with the sound of silence. Then, Ms. Catalona's voice came over the intercom. "Good morning girls," she said sweetly. "I trust that by now you are all awake," she continued with amusement in her voice, "so I'll tell you what to do next. Go to the main room and, once you are all together, go to the dining hall where we were last night. I'll meet you there. Oh, and girls," she added, "welcome to your first day of class."


Only Taylor had been awake enough last night to remember how to get to the dining hall, and even then we would've gotten lost if a tall, thin girl with blonde hair that reached her knees hadn't told us how to get there. It was the same as before, but there were already students in there. As, um, unicorns and stuff.

I looked around the hall. Were we supposed to go to the tables we were at yesterday? Or were we supposed to wait?

Suddenly I saw a hand waving. It was Ms. Catalona, beckoning us over. With relief, I began walking towards her, the other girls following close behind.

"So girls," Ms. Catalona said when we reached her, "are you ready for your first day of class?"

The tables were pulled together like they were yesterday. We all sat, though Tess hesitated. Ms. Catalona gave her a look, and she sat with a huff. The floating platters began serving us. Ms. Catalona picked up her fork. "You might as well eat, I know you're hungry. No one ate dinner last night. They usually don't," she admitted.

Myths: The Folklore TrilogyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant