Chapter 30-In Which the Battle Begins

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Breaking out of prison was easy. It took under a minute. I mean, three myths, three sorcerers, a crazed diviner, a dryad, and two princesses? It wasn't an issue.

Leaving the smoking bars behind, we ran down the stone corridor through the door that would take us back upstairs. Magnolia remembered the castle, so she led the way. Running through the twisted hallways had me totally disoriented, but she didn't miss a beat.

Finally, the hallway opened into a big room with a high ceiling. There was a big gray door to our left. Magnolia skidded to a stop. "Alright," she said, catching her breath, "this is it. The throne room. If she's anywhere, it's here."

"Thanks Magnolia," I said, smiling grimly. I looked at my two best friends. "Are you guys ready?"

"It's like I've waited for this moment my entire life," Audrey said, grinning.

"I'll never be I suppose this moment's as good as any," Sophie said, shrugging.

I turned towards the rest of the group. "Ready?"

They nodded. I took a breath.

"Well then," I said, turning towards the door, "sounds like we're ready."

I looked at the door. Could I really put all these people in danger? Because it was my choice to open this door. My choice alone. I had called these people here. If they got hurt, it would be my fault.

Suddenly, I felt two hands grasp my own, one strong, cool, and covered by a black biker glove, the other soft and warm. I didn't have to look to know who it was. And I knew it would be ok.

I let go of their hands, strode forward, and opened the door.

"Giselle!" I shouted. From across the room, a blonde woman in a red throne sat up, alarmed. I stared her right in the eye. "You are never going to hurt my friends again. You are never going to hurt anyone ever again. This ends now."

Her eyes narrowed. "You wouldn't dare."

I narrowed my eyes right back at her. "That's where you're wrong. You said I wasn't special, I only had talented friends. Well maybe that IS my talent. Making friends. Maybe, that's a thing. So I called my friends here. If they're so special, you can take on THEM."

Behind me, Audrey, Sophie, Abigail, Liza and Chris, Genivieve, Seraphina, Primrose, and Magnolia stepped into the room.

Giselle stood up, absolute loathing burning in her eyes. She raised her hand and thrust it towards me. From behind her throne, a huge snake shot into the air. I gasped. It was as thick as a bus tire and as long as the bus itself. It landed in a coil, and slithered towards me with alarming speed.

Audrey raced towards it, transformed into warrior, and threw a knife at its face. The snake was too fast. It twisted out of the way and kept coming.

"Sierra!" Audrey shouted, "go! You have to get to Giselle!"

"But," I replied nervously, "I can't let you fight this snake all by yourself!"

"Yes, you can!" Audrey shouted, frustrated. "Listen, Giselle is the only one that matters now!"

I felt a hand on my shoulder. "I'll help her," Abigail said. I sighed in relief. "Thank you," I whispered. I began to run to the far side of the throne room.

Just then, cats flooded on from every direction. I almost stopped in my tracks. I have never seen so many cats in my life. It was like wave. I gasped.

"Sierra, transform!" an urgent voice said in my ear. I nodded. "You coming?"

"Of course," Sophie replied. I nodded, and began to run harder. Every muscle, every breath, every heartbeat was one. I could feel myself, pure and shining, as if I was light itself.

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