Chapter 4-In Which I Leave

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Wyatt was not at all pleased with the fact that I was leaving. After being hit by a plastic rake, a piggy bank, and a deck of Uno cards, you get the message.

"What do you mean you're leaving!" he screamed. "NO ONE ELSE PLAYS WITH ME!!!!"

I was crying softly this entire time, so it was hard to calm him down.

"Please," I said quietly, "Wyatt..."


I sobbed harder. He wasn't making this easy.

My mother came up behind him. "Wyatt, please," she said softly. But tears were running down her cheeks too.

We were in front of my house, Ms. Catalona ready to dive me away. My family was saying their last goodbyes. Mom was crying, Wyatt was screaming, and Dad and Patrick just looked stoic.

I went up to Dad and hugged him as tight as I could. He patted my back. "I love you," he said, his voice cracking a little. I just hugged him tighter.

I finally broke away, and went to mom. She threw herself on me, sobbing. "It's too soon, I can't give you away just yet..." I squeezed her. "I'll be okay," I managed to whisper.

Wyatt just clung to my legs. I patted him on the head. "You can't go Sia! I WON'T LET YOU!" I had to pry him away.

I looked at Patrick. He looked distraught. "Do you have to go?" he whispered. I hugged him. "Yeah man. I do. Play with Wyatt for me, okay?" A tear trickled down his cheek. "Yeah, I'll try." I gave him a final squeeze.

I turned to Ms. Catalona. "Okay, I'm ready." She opened the car door for me and then walked around to the other side. Suddenly I remembered something. "Wait!" I said, rushing into the house. I came out a moment later. I handed an envelope to my mom. "Give this to Olivia, okay?" I had decided it would be too hard to tell her in person.

I turned to Ms. Catalona. I took a deep breath. "Now I'm ready." She smiled sadly. I got into the car...closed the door...

I closed my eyes tight. I couldn't take it. Suddenly, the car started pulling away. I turned around and my seat and began waving. I didn't stop until I couldn't see them anymore. Mom...Dad...Patrick...Wyatt...

I collapsed against the seat in front of me and sobbed.

"I know sweetie," Ms. Catalona said softly, "I know." She handed me a piece of chocolate, which I gladly accepted. Warmth spread through. My chest stopped heaving. My eyes dried. Everything is going to be okay.

We rode in silence for a little while, until Ms. Catalona turned on some quiet classical music. I leaned my head against the window. I was overflowing with emotion, it was burning me, clenching me, overwhelming me with grief. I was exhausted. Soon, I fell asleep.

There was the mirror again. I looked, and suddenly flames burst into view. I watched as they moved side to side, jumped and swayed. It was like a dancer in perfect time with the rhythm of life. Then something emerged from the fire, burning with new passion.

I only saw the dark black eyes.


"Sierra? Sierra, we're here." I groggily opened my eyes. We were where?

I looked out the window. We were at the airport. I stretched and opened the door. Ms. Catalona led me up to the building. I didn't have any luggage. All of our things were to be provided. I was only allowed to keep what clothes I was wearing. I had chosen a light yellow dress, and the crop jacket I had been wearing yesterday. I also had in an orange butterfly clip Olivia gave me for my last birthday. It was made of four feathers, and meant the world to me. I usually didn't wear it because it was so delicate, but I made an exception for this.

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