Chapter 13- In Which I Faceplant. Twice.

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I was flying.

As in, in the air.

As in, I was a freaking horse that was literally flying in the air.

I screamed (or neighed) and suddenly my wings, which had been on some sort of auto pilot, completely froze. I started tumbling to the ground.

Green rushed towards me, but I didn't know what to do. My body was completely different. There were muscles in places there had never been muscles before. I tried to spread my wings but ended up spreading my forelegs instead.

So yeah. I face planted.

Pain shot through my face, arms (well legs) and my legs (other legs). I gasped in agony. I didn't even try to get up, just lay there in a tangled heap of pain. Ow ow ow.

I faintly heard footsteps near me, but I couldn't really tell. Every part of me was throbbing with pain. But then I heard a voice in my head.

"Sierra?" it said hesitantly. I waited for something to happen. How was I supposed to respond?

Finally I tried thinking. It was in my head, so I respond in my head...right? "Yeah?" I thought.

Nothing happened.

I tried pushing the thought out of my head and into the air. "Yeah?"

"Are you okay?"

I silently cheered at my success. "Not really. Who is this?"

"It's Sophie. I'm a unicorn."

Oh. Didn't see that coming. "How are you talking in my head?"

"Not sure. But...I think I'm going to try and heal you...if that's ok?"

I grimaced in pain. "Oh my goodness PLEASE."

"Ok. I'm going to try...I hope it works...sorry..."

For a moment, nothing happened. I waited in intense anticipation.

Just then, a warm feeling blossomed from a small point on my back. It spread, washing the pain away like a warm shower, spilling off my skin and taking the dirt with it. For a moment, every part of my body was filled with warm, strong, light. Then, like a cool breeze on a spring day, it lifted from my body and dissolved.

I breathed deeply in relief. I felt refreshed.


"Heck yes it worked!" I fumbled with my legs for a moment, then gave up and flapped my wings twice, lifting me off the ground. I turned to a smallish unicorn with big eyes standing beside me. "Thank you."

"Good job," Ms. Hawthorn said, walking over and clapping. "Not only did you learn valuable lessons about pegasi, you learned valuable lessons about unicorns. Well done, both of you."

And with that, she dismissed the class.


I practically bounced around for the rest of the the day. I felt energized, refreshed, and content. I honestly didn't remember the last time I had felt so good.

So naturally, Tess had to kill it.

"Nice job out there this morning," she told me during lunch. That was a beautiful plummet." She smirked.

"Tess," I said as evenly as I could, "I would appreciate it if you would just go away."

"Beat it, Barbie," Audrey said. Tess fumed. "I wouldn't be talking scarecrow," she said. "You were, what, the second to last to transform?"

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