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It was the time for convocation, young male and females in white and checkered uniform lines up under the vast covered court surrounded by towering trees and tall grass, as if the place was located in the middle of an enchanted forest. Where the court's walls are the foliage surrounding the building, the music are the faunas' chirps and squeaks as well as the rustling of the leaves, and the spotlights are the rays of the afternoon sun peeking through the tall trees' leaves outside.

The graduates are charged to cut out pink flower-patterned confetti and hand them to their juniors to be scattered for the last part of the event.

While the juniors are to write farewell letters and will be randomly given to the graduating students. Once the student who collected the letters started handing them by rows, the graduating students fought to receive the best letter. Inconspicuously, the student who were handing the letters delivered a letter personally to one of the seniors.

The seniors were provided time to read the letters silently, but the female senior who was directly given a letter seem to notice that the contents of the letter are events that happened to her throughout her stay in the place.

They were events of her success, struggles, failures, even deeds she has done behind the eyes of the public are detailed in the letter.

(parts of the letter were paraphrased)

 –hoping that you won't forget your time here as you achieve greatness when you go to the outside world..

like when you were able to win the competition by practicing until you exhaust yourself behind the building, i like how dedicated you are.

like when you never lose hope despite the result of the event cheering the others positively, your optimism is very admirable.

and when you lovingly took care of the plants when they were ignored by everyone...

Filled with rage, but mostly by embarrassment that one person gave her such attention; she called out the name written at the bottom of the paper, not caring if she read the author correctly. "Sanguin! Sanguin! (pronounced as sung-gwin) Who are you, you stalker! Where are you! Have you been following me!?" While waving the letter in the air, her voice resonated, filling the silent court with her voice and gaining the attention of all the eyes around her.

She called the name once more, ignoring the murmurs and stares. A small plump boy appeared at the left of her row. Confused at how can a small form be a junior student, she asked the boy's identity. "Y-you? you wrote this? H-how?"

The boy reddened-face with self-consciousness, smiled bashfully. Being weak for cute things and children, the senior sighed in defeat. With her shaking head, she smiled in disbelief and patted the boys head, "Thank you".

"It's not mine, it belongs to my older brother." She heard the boy giggle joined by some of the students' laughter further confusing the senior.

The boy quickly ran back after adding questions to the senior's mind, then the event continued. The senior at her wits-end gave up thinking about the letter and listened to the speaker, until the master or ceremonies announced an unrelated matter, "Before we end the commencement, a student would like to give an address. John?"

Once Upon a Dream : Dream Journalحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن