Chapter 16

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Niall's P.O.V.

"Hey, Niall," Louis said as he walked into the room. "I can't stay long; Harry needs me. But I thought I'd come by and see how you are," he smiled.

"I'm fine... You seem awfully happy for someone who's best friend is in a coma."

"H-happy? I'm not happy! I'm totally depressed."

"What's going on with you?" I asked. "Is it a girl?"

"N-no. What would make you think that?"

"Just the look in your eye. And the fact that you are blushing your head off right now."

"Whatever. How's he?" Louis inquired.

"Same as always," I sighed.

He rubbed my back, "I'm sorry, just keep wishing...hoping...praying... Whatever floats your boat. Miracles are possible."

"Thanks, Lou."

"No problem. Now, I have to go. Bye, Niall."

"Bye, Lou," I said sadly.

A/N sorry it's short. Next chapter is movie night!!

Niam HorayneWhere stories live. Discover now