Chapter 8

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Liam's P.O.V.

"Zayn, are you sure you don't want to swim with Liam and I?" Harry called to Zayn, who was sitting farther up the beach giving the water wary glances.

"I'm totally sure, Harry!" Zayn yelled.

I laughed and followed Harry To where the water was up to my waist.

Splash! I got a face-full of ocean water.

"Harry!" I coughed. "What the hell?!"

He was laughing his head off, so I sent a wave his way.

"Blah! What are you doing, Liam?!" he coughed, now.

"Payback. Now before this becomes a huge splashing fight, can we pause? I want to talk to you...I need your advice."

"Sure what is it, daddy directioner?"

"Lately I've been having weird feelings around...Niall. I'm scared that I might like him. But there's no way he could ever like me! I'm really confused," I confessed.

"Finally!" he exclaimed.


"I've known this was coming for ages! I'm just finally glad you realized."

"Oh," I let out a shaky laugh. "It's that obvious?"

"Aw, just a little bit. But I doubt Niall notices. What else is on your mind?"

"Last night when Niall and I came home, I was still drunk. And I think I remember something, but I can't tell if it's a dream, or real memory."

"What happened?" he asked, curiously.

"I...I...I kissed Niall. And he kissed me back. Then I realized what was happening, and jumped off apologizing. I thought it was just a dream, but Niall's been acting weird all morning, so it makes me wonder. It's also further proof that I like him, because when I'm drunk the things I do are things I've always wanted to do, but just never had the courage to do," I confessed.

"Oh. Wow. Do you want me to find out from him?"

"No! He'll get suspicious and find out!" I said anxiously.

"Relax, I can do it without arousing his suspicion. If it proves impossible I won't push, okay?"

I sighed. I really did want to know if it really happened, but what kind of man would I be to make Harry do my every wish and command. "I'll do it myself...I don't know how, but I'll figure it out when the time comes."

After that, the day seemed to pass slowly.

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