Chapter 17

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"Hey, Y-Y/n, good morning" I hear. When I open my eyes I see that I'm on Saiki's chest and he's blushing. "Awww you stuttered and your blushing!" I squeal.

"You're so cute!, look at your face!" I continue to fangirl. I poke his face. "Y/n s-stop I don't have a shirt on" he mumbles getting flustered.

"You're soo adorable" I say playing with his hair. Suddenly the door opens

"Oh hey Kusuo can you teleport me to this a bad time" Kusuo's dad asks. "Oh hey Ku's dad! No we weren't doing anything!" I exclaim jumping to the side.

"Kusuo, is this that pretty girl you were telling me about"

"Dad get out of my room" Kusuo sighs.

"Oh Okay bye son" he says walking out of the room closing the door behind himself.

"You think I'm pretty?" I mutter losing all of my confidence before. "I guess, why, don't you hear that kind of stuff all the time?" He asks. "Yeah, but I like hearing it from you way better" I tell him laying right back down.

Did I really stutter? Idiot! Am I blushing! Ugh!

Damn it! What's wrong with me! That's it, if Y/n can make me do this then she's a god.

*Ding dong ding ding* "Ku! Could you get that please!" my mom yells. "Okay Y/n get ready" I whisper. "Huh, for wha-" Y/n gasped while I pick her up bridal style.

"Kay, time to get the door" I mutter standing up walking towards the stairs. When I get to the door I open it to see my grandparents in the doorway. "Ah, good grief, just what are we doing all the way down here, Kumi?" My grandfather Kumagoro asks.

"Now honey, wasn't it you that asked to visit?" My grandmother asks scratching the nape of her neck. After, my grandfather starts to look flustered. "Don't say such stupid things, I-I'm going to see Kurumi" he mopes pushing me and Y/n.

"Oh, look at you Kusuo, you've gotten a beautiful girlfriend since the last time I've seen you!"


I don't know why but every time someone says that we're dating I start to get a weird feeling in my stomach.

"N-N-No ma'am we're not together" I stutter. "Aaw, I guess Kusuo's still lonely, and I won't be getting great-grandchildren to spoil any time soon" she muttered pushing me and Ku out of the way to get inside like his grandfather did.

"Wha! No! Babies!" Me and Kusuo shriek in unison with our faces flushing red. "No! Never! Uh uh!" We continued. "Ku, Y/n, come to eat breakfast with us!" Ku's mom yelled, probably to stop our yelling.

"So, that pathetic husband of yours in at work, huh?" Ku's grandpa asks. "Uh huh, why dad?" Kurumi asks. "Well, I wanted to take my grandson and his girlfriend out shopping, to spoil them, especially since that idiot of a husband isn't here" he cheers.

"She's not my girlfriend for the last time" Kusuo groans. "Aww am I that much of a pain to be paired with Ku?" I ask pouting. "No, you know that's not how I meant it" he kinda panicked defensively. "Hehe I'm only playing around Ku, let's go!"

Time skip


"Mph, stupid Y/n, I bet she's somewhere with Saiki and when I see her I'll get revenge" I growl shuffling around. "You're gonna do what?" Y/n scarily whispers.

"Ah, Y-Y/n" I squeak. Damn it Y/n! Of course I'd run into her in a place like this. "Hmm, oh hey Y/n I got you some coffee jelly" Saiki says eating. Whaaa he bought her jelly! They're on a date!?


Perfect II Saiki Kusuo x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now