Chapter 5

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Huh. Saiki still doesn't know how to block people from reading his mind. Oh well, too bad I guess. I wanna see him progress but I don't think he should learn by me just telling him. Oh yeah Teruhashi's still here. I've just been letting her ramble on about whatever.

"So Teruhashi when do you plan on going to the beach?" I asked trying to re-kindle our conversation.

"Oh um well if tomorrow isn't to soon...."

"It's not like I have anything to do so yeah it's no problem for me, but who else are you inviting?"

"I'm inviting Mera, Chiyo, Kaido, Kuboyasu, Hairo, You, and, well uh. Saiki" her eyes lit up just by saying his name. "If he'd come anyway"

Saiki huh? Maybe if might work.

"Teruhashi don't worry I'll get him to come. Just leave it to me, okay? You said tomorrow, what time?"

"Oh uh 2:15 seems like a good time" she said. "Okay got it! Well ya need to go get packed up for tomorrow and I'll get Saiki to come kay?" I sat her up and ushered her toward the door.

"O-Oh Yeah, thanks for welcoming me in" she said, a bit shocked from my sudden notion.

"No problem! Bye bye Teruhashi" I waved before closing the door.

"Bye L/n" with that she left.

After I closed the door I fully registered what I just did.

I-I don't even know where he lives! Why would I say I'd get him to come? Ahh! I'm such an idiot!

I sighed and leaned against my door.

'I wish I was at the Saiki's' and with that thought, I fell onto my butt.

I looked around and realized I was outside. I'm not even sure how I got here, but it's not too surprising, I mean, nothing can really surprise a psychic, you're already a freak of nature after all.

I look at the mailbox and see the name Saiki on it.

Yay I'm at the Saiki residence! I get up off my butt and walk up to the door.

*Knock knock*

"Coming" I hear a high pitched voice say. "H- OH MY GOODNESS! You're soo pretty, are you Ku's girlfriend or something?" the woman who I assume Saiki's mom is squeals.

"U-uhhhhhhh eeep" I squeak while blushing.

This plan is already a bust! I can't even speak.

I don't know how to respond to that. "Mom stop saying stupid stuff" I hear a familiar voice say.

"Oh hey Ku, who is this girl she isn't talking, maybe she's shy?" His mom starts speaking really fast, making her words inaudible.

"H-Hey Saiki" I stutter while waving.

"Hey, how do you know where I live?" Straight to the point huh? I sweat dropped. I don't really know myself.

"Uh you see the thing is I-I kinda uh um can't tell you" I say. He raised an eye brow. "Not because I don't want to or anything but-" I was interrupted by his mother.

See it sounds like I was stalking him but I really wasn't.

"Uh um hey sweetie do you want to come in?" his mother asks. "What? You're going to let her in when she can't even explain how she found our house" Saiki questioningly raised his voice, telepathically anyway. I walked in. "Don't listen to him, follow me" she said.

"I'll tell ya later" I mouthed, so he wouldn't be too upset. She sits me on the couch and tells me to wait there for a little.

"So how do you know where I live" he asked, after slamming the door and walking over to where I was sitting.

"This isn't normally one of my powers but I think I teleported here" I shrugged.


"I don't know! I just thought 'I wish I was at the Saiki's' and then I landed on by butt in front of your house"


"I was only thinking that because I told Teruhashi I'd do her a favor!"

"Okay, okay calm down good grief" He rolled his eyes at me.

"...but yeah speaking of that she wants you to go to the beach with us tomorrow" I say loudly so he can't reject.

I can imagine that a solitary guy like Saiki has parents who probably want him to go out more.

"No" he says monotonously. On queue Saiki's mom walks in the living room from the kitchen.

"Ku this girl found where we live just so she could invite you to the beach, so you're going" she said in a scary deep voice. "What time honey?" She asked like nothing just happened.

"U-Uh at 2:00 pm tomorrow. I'll pick him up" I replied shakily.

"Oh okay" She grinned.

"It's getting kind of late I think I should get going" I replied, standing.

"Ku don't you think you should walk her home?"

"No really it's fine" I smiled.

"I'll go" he says.

Okay then.

I walk outside and Saiki follows behind me. "L/n, why can't I read your mind sometimes?" He asks.

"Um you don't know how to block people out of your mind?" I ask.


"Well I'm blocking you out. So yeah" I replied giving the bare minimum answer.

"Yeah."  He sighed. "I know that but how"

"I could tell you, but that would be no fun-oh this way" I say pointing to the direction of my house.

"What fun?!" He asked angrily, turning a street corner.

"Oh nothing! No fun. Anyway, thanks for walking me home...Ku" I giggle before I walk to my door and open it. "See ya tomorrow" I yell before I close the door.

"Bye L/n" Saiki sighed telepathically.

'What is the matter with that weirdo? Is it..another idiot?' he thought.


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