Caleb's car was parked at the curb in front of their house, where they were having their own awkward family dinner. Leif had declined to participate, though Ruby and Gwen both stayed home for the big event. It was kind of strange to have my dad over there as part of their family now, but it didn't bother me. Our families were nothing if not intertwined. 

I was relaxing for the first time all day with Halley's arms around my middle, her chin on my left shoulder, and closed my eyes for a moment.

"Well isn't this a happy little scene."

You could practically hear the record screeching into silence. Hazel was leaning against the tree between the yards, arms crossed, one leg propped behind her. "What the fuck," I said what we were all thinking. She had asked to come and of course I'd told her no way.

She started toward us and Halley nudged me off her so she could be ready for whatever. "So you guys have a big ol' family dinner without one of the family. Nice." She stopped. "Without two of the family, but I'm still alive and just not welcome, apparently," she sneered, getting in her dig about Elle being gone.

I tried to speak but words failed me in the flush of anger.

She continued, as she always would. "You're a great influence, Mother Mary. And wow, is that Noah? Even Noah's here, really nice." She was wearing jeans with holes in the knees that hung off her bony hips, her hair stringy, purple smudges under her eyes that spoke of amphetamine use. "How you doing, boy genius? Taking my place in the old homestead?"

"Get out of here, Hazel," I said, shaky with adrenaline. "Before I call the cops." If the kids found out she was there we'd have another week of Jasper screaming and crying and I wouldn't let her do that to him again.

Halley was even less up for her shit and she stood up, as did the teens, who remained quiet and watchful. "You need to leave before you upset the kids again," she said warningly.

But Hazel never heeded warnings. She laughed and took a drag of her cigarette, blowing the smoke languidly through pursed lips. "The kids, Hayley? You mean my kids. My kids, the ones you took away from me and are trying to make your own? Is it because you guys can't have kids?" She smirked. "Maybe Leif could make himself useful for once, God knows no one's ever gonna marry his sorry ass. And they do have sperm banks, you know. Even lezbos can get preggers these days."

I was up and crossing the lawn before I could even fully register the hateful words. I assumed the hold on my sister's upper arm. "Where is your goddamn car," I spat, feeling too healthy and strong next to the clearly frail addict. 

Sorrow for what Hazel had become tried to invade my heart and I shoved it away. There was no room for that, for thinking about what I could have done differently to help her instead of always losing my patience and temper. For considering how she may have been if our mother had stayed. Or if Elle hadn't been killed and I'd been able to be there for her, be the role model she desperately needed.

Of course then Caleb and Courtney came out and stopped halfway to the car, staring.

"Get your fucking hands off me, bitch," Hazel shook her arm but couldn't get loose. "Wait, Courtney? Is that you?"

Caleb's new girlfriend tilted her head. "Oh, hey, Haze. Long time no see. I heard you were in rehab, what're you doing here?"

"She's just leaving," Halley said fiercely, taking a few steps toward us to be clear she was backup, should I need it. The light from the streetlamp highlighted her hair, which was half up and partly tucked into her hood. 

Hazel loved it. "Wow, are you dating Caleb? That's hilarious. I wouldn't let him out of your sight for long, he has a hard time keeping his dick in his pants from what I hear."

Mary and Halley (sequel to When Mary Met Halley)Where stories live. Discover now