Chapter 11

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Lilly woke up several hours later chain to a slab of stone next to her sister, she tugged on her chains to see if they would budge with no such luck. She then heard her sister groin(?), just as she looked at her sister, Evy screamed seeing a rat and tossed it off her to the left having it land on a mummy causing to scream louder. Lilly flinch at the pitch as it was right next to her ear but froze and franticly pulled at her chains as she saw Imhotep priest started to surround them and chant.

Lilly prayed to every egyption god that she knew of and hoped that they would listen. She fearfully looked at Imhotep as he lovingly caressed the mummified face. She felt pain go through her heart and looked away confused as to why her heart hurt. She was then knocked out of her thoughts as her sister screamed, she looked to see the mummy once more alive and Imhotep stood over Evelyn dagger in hand, "With your death, Anck-su-namun shall live. And I shall be invincible" Evy screamed once more as Lilly eyes widen in fear, "No! Don't do it!" just as he was about to bring down the dagger a male voice rang through the tomb, "Its okay! I found it Evy!" Lilly looked towards the stairs to see Jhonathan, a smile spread on her face seeing he held a gold book, "The book of Amun-Ra." Evelyn and Jonathan then decided to get into a debate about the book till she snapped, "Evy stop yelling! Jhonathan get the key it's in his robes!" Jonathan and Evy nodded as Jonathan decided to hide from Imhotep. Lilly then noticed Rick and smiled as he jumped over the mummies and broke the chains holding Eve right wrist and my left.

She looked at the mummies that surrounded them and cursed as she heard Imhotep tell them to kill Rick. Some of the mummies tried to climb over Eve and Lilly to kill him but Lilly kept kicking them all off as Rick took care of them, once he finished up the last one he looked at the girls and smiled, "Mummies." he was about to cut the cuffs on Eve left wrist when he was pulled to the ground and pinned down. Lilly tugged with all her might as she saw one of the mummies walking towards Rick with a heavy slab of stone, Rick then grabbed the sword from earlier and cut that mummies ankels.

The mummy fell back and the stone it was once carrying was now on top of it. Lilly eyes widen as she heard Jonathan say, "Rashimulukashka!" Rick then cut off her cuff as he helped Eve from the stone table/slab(?), "Rick I hope your ready for this." 10 mummified worriors walked out and held out their weapons ready to attack as they slowly walked forward as Rick responded, "Oh yea, this just keeps getting better and better." Eve and Rick slowly back away as Eve looked at Jonathan in the corner of her eye, "Do something Jonathan. Jonathan eyes widen as he backed up into a wall, "Me!?" Lilly then moved in front of Rick and Eve holding her weapons ready to strike, "You can control them John!" Jonathan looked at Lilly as if she grown two heads, "You have got to be kidding!" Eve then replied, "Finish the inscription on the cover idiot and then you can control them!" he looked at the book and took off to hide once more.

Lilly then did something insane as they jumped over the black water, "Brothers! Stop! We are not your enemy's!" but her pleas had fell on deaths ears as they attacked them on Imhotep orders. Lilly fought with Rick as Eve ran from Anck-su-namun, Lilly was outnumbered and alone as she got separated from Rick at one point, she closed her eyes as she waited death like an old friend, she felt their weapons on her skin but they never cut into her. She opened her eyes to see the mummies still and pull their weapons away, as they stood at attention waiting for order, "She then looked at Imhotep as he said, "Destroy him! Destroy him!! I said to destroy him!" Jonathan then ordered the mummies to attack Anck-su-namun, Lilly watched with a blank expression but her heart broke as she saw the look of anguish on Imhotep face.

Lilly than ran to help her brother as Imhotep grabbed him from the throat, Rick beat her as he cut off Imhotep arm off only to go flying across the room as Imhotep grabbed him and threw him, Lilly helped her brother up as Imhotep walked toward Rick. Jonathan smiled at her and showed her the key, "I got it Lilly." Lilly smiled and picked up the book and ran to Eve, Jonathan held the book as Eve unlocked it.

Lilly and Eve ran their eyes looking for the right inscription, Eve then found it and Lilly and Eve then recited the inscription, "Kadeesh-mal,kadeesh-mal, parod oos, parod oos!!" Imhotep looked at Lilly and a look of betrayal overcame his face, "Senna?!" Lilly stared him in the eyes with sadness, "Forgive me." after the spirit of Imhotep left, the human Imhotep started to walk towards them and just as he reached them, Rick stabbed him through the gut. Lilly looked away as he let out a gasp of surprise and pain for he was once again mortal. She then looked back as she heard water splashing and wished she hadn't as she watched Imhotep turn back into a mummy and let out his last words, it shook Lilly as a feeling of uneasiness consumed her and that this was not the last time that they would him as Eve translated what he said to the other two, " only the beginning." she stared at the water for sometime till her brother grabbed her hand and dragged her out of there as Hamunaptra was collapsing around/on(?) them.

On the way out they saw Beni but he ended up on the other side of the doorway trapped, Lilly and the others made it out just in time for Hamunaptra to finish collapsing. The stared at what was once known as the city of the dead, they all then jumped as Jonathan screamed and turned to see that Ardeth pulling his hand away from Jonathan. Jonathan held his hand over his heart and said, "Oh thank you for that." Lilly smiled and turned when she felt a rough but gentle nudge, her smile widen and she hugged the horse, "Asim!" Asim bobbed his head and hugged his owner.

Ardeth smiled at them, "Allah has blessed you, be safe my friends." Lilly pulled away from Asim and walked up to Ardeth and held out her sword, "I want you to hold onto this." Ardeth looked at Lilly with wide eyes and carefully took the sword, "Are you sure my friend?" Lilly nodded, "I trust my sword with you." she then bowed to him and got on Asim as everyone else was already on a camel and they went their separate ways till they all meet again.

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