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Thebes city of the living, crown jewel of Pharaoh Seti the first, home of Imhotep and Senna, Pharaoh High Priest, 'Keeper of the Dead' and Imhotep Loyal friend and Protector along as Nefitiria bodyguard. Birthplace of Anak-Su-Namun, Pharaoh mistress, no other man was allowed to touch her.

But for Imhotep and Anak-Su-Namun love they were willing to risk life itself, Senna love for Imhotep allowed her to let Imhotep and Akak-Su-Namun be together, as he was happy she didn't mind them being together but only warned them to be careful.

As Imhotep and Anak-Su-Namun kissed each other Senna looked away from the two and watched Imhotep priest through the giant curtain, close the door only to have her eyes widen as the Pharaoh shoved the door open and questioned them, Senna quickly pulled the two apart and told Imhotep to hide. As Imhotep hid Senna stood in front of Anak-Su-Namun and turned to face the Pharaoh as he walked threw the curtain and looked at them, he motioned for Senna to leave, she nodded and bowed to the Pharaoh and Anak-Su-Namun and walked to the curtain.

She turned back as she heard him ask Anak-Su-Namun who had touched her and pulled out her sword, the Pharaoh turned as he heard her sword unsheathe, his eyes widen as he looked at her then more as a look of realization crossed his face, " priest!?".

Senna gave him an apologetic look and said, "I'm sorry my Pharaoh." Anak-Su-Namun then stabbed him with a dagger, he screamed in pain and looked at his once soon-to-be Queen, then at Senna as she stabbed him in the gut with tears in her eyes, the Pharaoh grabbed his hidden dagger and stabbed Senna in the heart. Senna eyes widen as she fell to the ground as Imhotep ran to her body and pulled the dagger out, she gave him a weak smile and closed her eyes taking her final breath, Imhotep grabbed Senna sword and he and Anak-Su-Namun continued to stab the Pharaoh till he fell to the floor dead.

There was then a bagging at the door both Imhotep and Anak-Su-Namun looked in the direction of the door, Anak-Su-Namun looked at him worried and said, "You must go! Save yourself!" Imhotep glared at the door and said, "No!" Anak-Su-Namun grew desperate as she looked at Senna body then back at Imhotep and said, "Only you can resurrect me and Senna!" Imhotep looked at Anak-Su-Namun wide eye as the door broke open, he and Anak-Su-Namun looked at the door as Pharaoh body guards the medjai walked in with their weapons at the ready.

Imhotep preist grabbed him and got ready to drag him away, he glared at them and said, "No! Get away from me!" Anak-Su-Namun waved her hand in front of his face in a loving cress manner. As Imhotep was dragged away his last words she heard him say came, "You shall live again! I will resurrect you!" Anak-Su-Namun then turned to face the medjai as they pushed the curtain to the side looking at the Pharaoh and Senna dead bodies, she glared at them and said, "My body is no longer his temple!" she then took a final breath and stabbed herself in her heart.

Imhotep looked away as he watched her shadow stab itself and fall to the ground.

To resurrect Anak-Su-Namun and Senna, Imhotep and his priest broke into their crypt and stole their body, they raced deep into the desert taking Anak-Su-Namun and Senna corpse into Hamunaptra, City of the dead. Ancient barrel site for sons of Pharaohs and resting place for wealth of Egypt.

For his love Imhotep dared the gods anger by going deep into the city, where he took the black book of the dead from it's holy resting place.

In the middle of the room two slabs stood holding a body, Anak-Su-Namun body closest to Imhotep, Senna body near a dark colored pool of water.

Anak-Su-Namun soul had been sent to the dark underworld while Senna soul had been sent with the Pharoro to protect him on his journey to the after life, their vital organs removed and placed in five sacred canopy jars each.

As Imhotep and his priest chanted a single mist came out of the pool and went over to Anak-Su-Namun body covering her like a mask then sinking into her skin bringing hr alive once more.

Anak-Su-Namun soul had come back from the dead. But Pharaoh bodyguards followed Imhotep and stopped him before the ritual could be completed.

The mist in Anak-Su-Namun body came and hurried back to the pool, it screamed before it dived in, Imhotep screamed staring at the water in anguish. The leader of the medji carefully picked up Senna body as if she were asleep and kissed her forehead, Imhotep glared at the medji, yelling at him to leave Senna body alone as he was dragged away, the medji held Senna closer to him with sorrowful eyes as he carried her away, away from Imhotep.

Imhotep priest were condemned to be mummified alive. As for Imhotep he was condemned to suffer the Hom-Dai, the worst of all Ancient curses. One so horrible that it has never been bestowed. He was to remain sealed inside his sarcophagus, the undead for all eternity, the medjai would never allow him to be released, for he will arise a walking disease, a plague upon all mankind. An unholy flesh eater with the power of ages, power over the sand and glory of invincibility.


So what do you think reader did I do good?

If I made any mistakes in names or anything please let me know so I can fix it right away.

I do hope you all enjoy my book, this is my first mummy book.


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