Chapter 5

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Lilly p.o.v

Morning soon came and we headed down to see our mummified friend, as we opened the thing their was another one inside it, Rick, Jonathan and I got the thing out and put it against a wall as Evy said, "Oh I dreamed about this, since I was a little girl." Rick gave her a weird look and said, "You dream about dead guys?" I giggle and stood next to Evy as she said, "His sacred spells has been chiseled off, he must not have been condemned in this life but in the next life as well." I sighed and said, "Whatever he did must have been very naughty." Evy nodded as Jonathan said, "I'm all in tears." I rolled my eyes has he unlocked the thing.

It was soon unlocked as he said, "Let's see who's inside, shall we?" Evy and I stood back as Rick and Jonathan struggle to take off the lid. After a few seconds they finally got it off and they all screamed while I yelped in surprise as it popped out, after they finished screaming Evy said, "God I hate it when these things do that." I laughed as we walked closer to get a better look.

Rick then asked, "Is it suppose to look like that?" I looked at the mummy closer and said, "No, I never seen a mummy look like this before. He's still...still..." Evy, Rick, and Jonathan finished my sentence for me, "Juicy." I nodded and Evy said, "He must be over three thousand years old and looks like as if he's still...decomposing." I slowly lifted up my hand to where the cheek would be and barely even touched it, Rick then said, "Hey take a look at this." I brought my hand away and look to see him kneeling at the lid, we saw scratch marks on it as Evy said, "My god these marks were made..." she pressed her fingernails against it and ran them down whispering, "Fingernails...this man was buried alive." I looked at this mummy and had a wave of grief and sorrow wash over me, I looked at Evy and said, "I fear that we released something horrible." we then looked at our mummy friend one last time and head back out.

We sat around the fire in silents as Eve then came with a look of excitement as Rick forced Beni to move so Eve sat next to him, "Look what I found in our friends Coffin." I looked to see what she had and flinched realizing what they were, Rick noticed my expression, "Never knew you were scared of bugs." I glared at him, "I'm not scared of bugs, I just don't like these kind, they can survive for years eating your flesh slowly, very slowly." Rick and the rest of our company flinched as well as Rick said, "So you mean to tell me someone threw these things in with our friend." I nodded, "Depending on how many were in his coffin he might have died a slow and painful death or a fast but still painful death as you can feel them rip your skin off." everyone then flinch except for Eve.

I then yawned and said, "Well I'm hitting the hay, see you guys in the morning." I layed next to Asim and fell asleep, as I slept I heard a deep voice whispering, "Senna, awaken." along with Eve saying something in Egyption in the background, and a gentle touch, I leaned closer to the touch till it was interrupted by screaming, "NOOOOO! You mustn't read from the book!" I opened my eyes as the sound of a thousand wings were heard, Asim got and started neighing. We all looked into the distance and saw a dark shape heading towards us, we then started to run as a thousand lotus came onto our campsite, we then started to run into the ruins taking the insects off us while we were at it.

As we ran we stopped and in the middle of the hall as a sand dune was formed right in front of us, then from the tip a thousand of those flesh eating bugs came out and headed towards us as we all started to run. Eve and I jumped onto a safe place against the wall while the boys jumped onto a colome that looked ready to collapse thankfully it did not as we watched the little bastard scurry off.

Eve and I sighed in relief against the wall as it opened and we fell into a secret passageway. As we came out of the secret passageway my head hit against something hard and my world went black.

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