I laughed quietly, fully aware of the sleeping babies next to us on the couch, "You purposely ignore Jace, not for any particular reason except to piss him off." 

She grinned widely, "It must work." 

I replicated her grin, "Every time." 

We sat there in a soothing silence for a moment until I remembered, "I made breakfast by the way." I said and I grabbed the plates from the breakfast bar, Jordyn shook her head, "We'll ruin the couch." I rolled my eyes as she came to join me at the table. 

Jordyn gave into her hunger almost instantly, "Pancakes. Thank God." she said in between mouthfuls, I couldn't help but laugh at her. "Glad to know that hasn't changed at least, they're still your favourite." 

She smiled sadly towards me and I was afraid I'd said the wrong thing. I didn't expect to to lean across and kiss me. I was taken aback but settled into the kiss, her lips even more addictive with the taste of blueberry pancakes still lingering. When we finally broke apart we continued eating, briefly conversing in between the food and laughing as I got a blueberry stuck in my tooth. It was, overall, a great morning. And I didn't want it to end. 


Breakfast was wonderful. I don't think that I have genuinely laughed that much in a long time, I'm surprised the twins didn't wake up. Their mom and dad are apparently hyenas when they get food stuck in their teeth. 

When Dawson and Bella eventually woke up I spent my time feeding and changing them before getting them ready to visit their, very eager, uncles. Magnus and Alec have been dying to have me over at the loft since I moved out apparently and even more so now that they have two youngsters to obsess over. Izzy and Clary have spent time at the loft looking after them for an hour or two whilst I'm out on patrol, I insisted that Alec let me do something at least since apparently he's cleared me for work for at least two months. Great. 

My family have been amazing, I couldn't ask for more support after everything I've put them through recently. They should've disowned me by now, all the trouble I've caused. But at least I have them. I'm a fucking Lightwood, that thought alone is pretty damn good. 

I waited for Trey to finish getting ready before we headed out towards Magnus and Alec's apartment. Feeling the city breeze on my face properly for the first time that I can remember felt exhilarating, the air just clearing my head of any doubts I had about my life as of this current moment. Arriving at the apartment happened almost too quickly but that thought disappeared the second Izzy opened the door. 

"Can I hold them? Auntie Izzy has missed these two angels too much." she said with grabby hands as Trey and I handed the twins over to her. She sat down on the couch and continued to coo towards the two smiling babies, Magnus standing behind her making ridiculous faces to try and make them smile more. Alec and I watched his fiance and our sister in humour and Trey and Jace as they discussed the stupidity of rom-coms. My eyes averted to Trey as they both passionately discussed the obsession with them and Jace complained about Clary's obsession with 'soppy romance shit' as he put it. 

Alec noticed my diversion from our conversation and managed to regain my focus, "You okay?" he asked as he watched me in confusion. I nodded slightly, "It's just frustrating. I see him and I know the man I love is standing there but I just can't remember anything that made me love him like I do." 

Alec followed my eyes to Trey, who was now watching the twins like they were going to evaporate any second. "I think you just need some time alone to remember what it's like to be with him, to spend time with him as the man you love rather than the father of your kids." 

"We're basically alone in the loft, I still don't remember anything, I didn't even know that we arrived in New York on the same day." 

"Then go and find all those useless little details out, go out together and remember all the random facts and pointless pieces of information about each other that you didn't know you knew. Just be Trey and Jordyn for one night and see what happens." he said and I couldn't help but laugh, "What?" he asked in confusion. 

"You're suggesting we have alone time? Last time I checked I had two kids just over a month ago I doubt that's our problem." 

Alec's eyes widened at my statement, "I was suggesting dinner or something... By the Angel Jordyn you twisted that so much!" I laughed as his cheeks flushed bright red. "Tell you what I can do," Alec started, swiftly talking away his embarrassment, "You bring me all the baby stuff they'll need for a night and let me and Magnus take care of them. You and Trey go out do whatever you want and pick them up tomorrow." 

"Alec I don't kn-" 

"I'll be here too Jord, plus I'm sure Trey would love the opportunity to spend some time with you." Izzy said as she came over, Clary taking her place with Dawson and Isabella. 

"He said that?" I questioned and allowed Iz to explain, "He's tired Jordyn, he's at the Institute a lot of the time and then he goes home to look after the twins to give you a break. He could do with a night out, a moment to relax." 

I thought about it for a moment before nodding, I headed over towards Trey. He was holding Bella to his chest as she was falling asleep in his arms and I crept behind him, hooking my arms around his torso and resting my head in between his shoulders. "What's this for?" he asked as he let Clary take Bella from him, he spun me to his front and held me where against his chest, where our daughter lay moments ago. 

"How do you feel about letting this lot of bodyguards look after the twins tonight so we can go out?" I asked innocently, smiling cheekily as he lifted my head from his shoulder and held my face in his palms. "Really? Are they okay with that?" he asked looking around at the others and then back at me. 

"Only if you want to... I mean Alec said you've been working too hard lately at the Institute then you've been taking the kids at night to help me out and I just wanted to give you a break because I love you and I don't want you overworking yourself because of me-" he kissed me in a sudden speed as if to cut off my self destructive babbling. 

In that moment there was no one else in that room. The walls were no longer solid and enclosing but practically non existent. The air around us created an impenetrable bubble that concealed every distraction from us. Our lips moved in sync as he held me closely by my waste, my arms wrapped around his neck and locked together to ensure there was no way I could let go. We were finally disrupted when Clary brought a crying Dawson to me. 

I cradled my baby boy in my arms as Trey did the same with Isabella, my head almost resting on Trey's other shoulder as I talked soothingly to my son and daughter. "Mommy and Daddy are going out tonight angels, so I need you to be good for Uncle Alec." I said as they both stirred in their next nap, "I love you both so much." I said as I laid them down in their crib that Magnus had brought to the apartment. Trey kissed me lightly once again, "And I love you." he said as he held my face close to him.

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