So many new things.

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  • Dedicata a My daddy~ Cause i love himz~

A/N: Okay guys. I have decided to keep updating, but you need to give me feedback on some things.  Votes and comments would be much appreciated. If you want to comment and criticize me, go ahead! I'll take all the help I can get. If you want to comment asking when the next update is? Go right ahead. Comment anything you like as long as it pertains to the book. I really want to hear from you guys. Even if you just want to tell me to work on another book. I'm on here al most every day, so I'll try to reply to everything ^-^ But feel free to put your input in~ I'd love to hear it. 

Free? How can I be free? I hugged him tightly. "Yumi, now that you are free, you can do what pleases you." His voice lowered "You can leave if you want." I shook my head and smiled softly. I mean where else would I go? I have no family and my old master gave me away.."I'll stay with you Mas- Uh..Derrick." He grinned and kissed me softly. I do have to admit, I wouldn't mind staying with him. He's real nice to me and I think he may even love me. I think about loving him back..But then my heart aches. My old master loved me..I loved him to, but he got mad at me since I got scared. I sighed, I was with Derrick now. I was carrying his child and I ws living with him. "Come on Yumi darling, let's go lay down." He laid a soft kiss on my cheek then my belly. I smiled softly "Alright dear let's go and lay down." He took my hand and led me upstairs. 

Master, um Derrick had gone to sleep pretty quickly, Me on the other hand, could not sleep no matter how hard I tried. I got up a couple times and got sick. I could already tell this pregnancy thing was going to be really rough...I sighed softly as I slid back in bed. I wasn't ready to be a mother. I sighed, realizing that I was shaking. I was scared..A baby..I curled into a ball and tried to sleep.

Derrick and I woke up a bit later and he pulled me close to his chest, rubbing my belly. I had been thinking for a while. Master and I had made love all the time...Why hadn't this happened before? I sighed but realized it was the thing master had sheathed  himself with every time he wanted to do that...Except last time...When he was so rough. I teared up. Two weeks had passed since then...I had been away from him for two weeks...I sniffled and curled into Derrick. Looks like I had to  learn to love this man. My master had gotten tired of me...As I think of it..Each bruise or old cut burns as I revisit that memory...I sigh, this is my life now. A lover and a mother. I drifted back into a light sleep.

I kept along my routine of cleaning for about four more weeks. Which would put me at a month and a half. This baby was already taking its toll. I could barely keep anything down in the mornings. Derrick was so helpful though. He brought me crackers and little presents. He would sit me in his lap and rub my belly. He was very loving and kind. We got along very well. I dressed more sensibly now, Like at this moment I am wearing loose jeans and a sweater. Derrick doesn't make love to me much anymore which is alright. He told me he didn't want to harm the baby or make me uncomfortable. I did feel kind of alone though. He was either at work or locked in the room down the hall. He was doing something he didn't want me to know about, I had told him no big surprises, yet he doesn't listen which makes me chuckle.  I was easily falling in love with this man, the way he treats me and the baby. He  was already thinking of names. Daisy Lou for a girl or Desmond Lee for a boy. I thought it was adorable how he wanted about the same name, just gender appropriate. "Ooooh Yumiii! come here darlinggg!" I stood and walked up to him. "I know it's to early, but i'm just really excited." He covered my eyes . "Okay hon, just walk with me okay?" I nodded and we walked a little way and his hands lifted from my face. I gasped as I looked at a baby yellow room with a safari scene painted on it. There were lions and girrafes and even elephants. It was so adorale. A white wood crib sat against the wall and a rocking chair sat under the window. On the wall opposite the crib was a bookcase filled with books and stuffed animals. It was all so sweet. I smiled and leaned into him. "It's beautiful." He kissed my cheek and wrapped his arms around me. "This is for our little baby. They're going to be so spoiled...and loved." He kissed my cheek again and  slowly rubbed my belly. "I'm going to love you both so much Yumi.." I smiled and kissed his nose. "I'm going to make dinner." He let me go and I went into the kitchen.

After dinner he went into his office to get some work done while I sat down and read my book. Things were so quiet and it actually scared me a little, But I knew all of that would change once I had the baby. "Hey hon, I have to go into town, wanna come?" I nod happily and stand up. I slid my shoes on and followed him to the car. 

Once we actually got to town I smiled. I was glad to be out of the house. I walked into the store with Derrick, He held my hand the entire time. He was so sweet. "I have to go get a couple things. I'll meet you back here okay? Look around, pick some things out." He smiled and kissed me before walking off. I sighed softly, I didn't know my way around..Everything was really weird and really loud.  So, I decided to walk around the baby section. They had cute things there and sine I was having a baby it seemed practical. As I was looking at diapers, I felt a soft tap on my shoulder. On instict I flinched and looked at the person. To my amazement it was my old master..Charles. I instantly dipped my head down, biting down on my lip. "Yumi, are you here by yourself?" I shook my head and he sighed. "Where's Derrick then?' I shrugged, I didn't understand why he was being so serious...and actually kind of concerned as to why I was by myself. "He told me to look around a-and to pick out something." I held up the stuffed Koala sheepishly. He chuckled softly and nodded "Alright. May I ask what you're doing in this part of the store?"  My cheeks instantly turned pink and I stayed silent. He seemed to catch on quickly. "I see. You're with child right?" I nodded, but then it dawned on me, Why was he looking at baby things? I held my toungue and gave him a weak smile. "It is you're master's child right?" I nodded "I actually don't have a master anymore..." I slid the piece of the torn paper from my pocket. I always carried it with me..It was my freedom. He tensed as he saw it and ran a hand through his hair. "You're still living with him right?" I nodded again and sighed in relief, feeling the familiar hand on my shoulder. "Good afternoon Charles." Derrick's voie was smooth, business like while Charles' shook slightly as they spoke. I stood in Derrick's embrace, happy that he had releived the awkward moment. I was snapped out of my day dreaming as the two men said goodbye. Charles looked at me longingly, His deep brown eyes held a sense of pain and regret which made me shudder. I looked away from him as Derrick and I walked away. Charles' look haunted me the rest of the night..Whenever I closed my eyes I saw his, full of those feelings..Penetrating my soul. He missed me...

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 09, 2014 ⏰

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