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Jester laid with me the whole week I was on bedrest. Master's brother keeps insisting that I only fell down the stairs like the dumb, blind girl he think I am. It makes me feel a bit better to not be ordered around all day..I just lay here petting Jester who insists on taking up half the bed with his massive body trying to cuddle with me.

That week went to fast. Now i'm in a boot and able to walk now. Master's brother likes to torture me even more. Last night I swear i heard him in my room. Which is weird, no one goes in the slave quarters besides me. He ignores me like i'm not there unless I "do something wrong." Yesterday he slapped me for making such a mess while i was cooking. Master lets everything he does to me slide on by like he never did it. When he said all those things to me it hurt. Alot. I cant really figure out why but it did. It felt as if my heart was ripping in two. Oh well, i've started to think like master. I am nothing and i will never be anything but a worthless slave.

"Yumi darling. come downstairs will you?" the voice of masters brother rings through the house. Masters voice is barely heard anymore. I run down the stairs and stand in front of him "Yessir?" I say all to happily. " Ah. Good girl. Now, Follow me dear." He took my hand and led me up the stairs leading me into the bathroom. I hear the door click telling me that it's been locked and I panic. "M-Master may i ask a question?" I know i sound weak I stuttered! I mentally scold my self and prepare for his answer. He chuckles "Oh Yumi dear, You probally want to know what I am going to do huh? well I am going to do what charles does. He said I may do as i please.. Well" He chuckled again. "Lay down." I paniced more. "but Master I-." I was cut off by a low growl coming from Master's brother "I said lay down." He pushes me against the wall making me yelp and then he started to get rough. He tried flipping my dress up but I let out a high pitched scream and heard foot steps. "Whats going on in there?" Master asked worriedly "Nothing Charles just playing with Yumi" He said it like i was a dog. "unlock the door" Master sounded angry. Have I done something? He always got mad when i treat his brother wrongly. It surprised me to hear him unlock the door and master took me out of there and into the living room. "are you okay hon?"

"just fine Master. I'll return to my duties." It was nice heaing his voice even though it still sounded cold. "Okay dear." I pulled away from him and walked off. Masters voice is always so cold towards me and his brother, it's like he doesnt like either of us anymore.

After my chores are done Master hasnt asked me to his room in a while and he treats me like my old master did. Master has been more aggresive towards me now, he hit me a few hours ago because I accidently ran into him on my way down the stairs.

Jared is leaving in just a few hours so I pack up his clothing and set his suitcase by the door. "Goodbye Brother." He looked at me and i heard a growl. "Goodbye slave." He growled the words. "Goodbye master Jared, hope to see you soon." I said it with fake happiness. He walked out andi sighed with relief. "Yumi." I heard masters voice and I swear my heart skipped a beat. " Yes master?" I smiled. He growled "I expect the house clean and you in my room by the time i get home understand?" My heart dropped. "Yes master." He walked out and i started cleaning.

When Master got home I ran up to his room and sat on the bed. He walks in "ah. you actually followed my orders." Before I could reply he roughly shoved me to the bed taking my dress off and undresed himself, going through his usual routine,but rougher. He was acting strange. He was never rough like that. After he was down i went into my room and cried.

His forever.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu