I shake my head, "Well here I will wrap the sheet around you and pack some clothes for you. Okay?"

The pain just seems to be getting worse, I can't hear my wolf over this pain.. I just want to die.

"Yvonne I'm going to lift you up now." He slowly shoves his arms under me and picks my up bridal style.

I lay my head on his chest, a cooling sensation hits my cheek. 'Mate!' My wolf cries..

Mate? No..No.No. She must be confused because of the pain. I hear her scream over and over 'Mate! Mate!'

"Are you okay?" I look up to see Ashton's soft brown eyes full of worry, he touches my cheek with his finger tips. "You're burning up! I have to hurry and get you somewhere safe so we can get your temperature down."

His touch.. It soothes the pain.

I closed my eyes and pressed my face against his chest listening to his heart beat as he ran.. What's going on? Why is my wolf mistaking Ashton as Dominick?

"Yvonne, I'm going to book us a motel. We can't stay with any of our allies or have you around any males in this condition.. "

I hear the bell ring from the motel office door, "Hello, how can I help you?" I hear the motel employee greet us as Ashton walks in. She has a soft voice, I open my eyes to see a fragile old woman behind the counter.

"Can I get a room please?'

"Absolutely, is it just you and your wife?"

"My wife?"

"Oh yes! You remind me of my husband when you walked in carrying her like that."

"Ma'am actually-" She interrups him, "Oh! It just warms my heart seeing that there are still good men out there. You know what.. I will give you the couple suite, half off!"

"Ma'am I'm sorry but-"

I tug on his shirt, "Ashton please hurry."

He looks down at me,"Thank you Ma'am!"

"Of course. Of course. Now go on you love birds." She giggles, handing Ashton the keys.

Ashton's P.O.V.

The room wasn't too bad, there was a huge bed, a couch set in front a flat screen tv, a small kitchen, and a nice sized bathroom. I laid Yvonne down on the bed, I looked down at her small body shaking. Her face was scrunched up with sweat dripping off her forehead. The smell of her was driving me crazy.. But I need to concentrate because I know if I can smell her so can the others...

I need to control myself but it is becoming unbearable for my wolf.. He just wants to take her and he just won't shut the fuck up.. Her smell is just so sweet it makes my mouth water and at each sniff my canines start to show.

I dash to the bathroom shutting the door and splashing my face with water. I look in the mirror to see my eyes switching from brown to black. I need to get myself under control or I won't be able to protect her!!

I pace back and forth in the bathroom, talking to myself. "Come on get it together.. I need to protect her. Stop drooling like a mutt and these perverted thoughts need to stop! Its driving me mad!" My wolf is just acheing to get out, Bloody Hell what do I do?

I grab a small towel running it under cold water, I open the door to see Yvonne whimpering in pain. I sit at the edge of the bed setting the cold towel on her forehead, her eyes shoot open. "Ashton."

"Yes?" She grabs my hand and sets it on her cheek, "I know this may sound off but your touch soothes the burning sensation, so can I borrow your hand for my cheek at least?"

I nod "Of course." I rub my thumbs in circle motions on her cheek as he my other hand dabs the towel on her face and neck.

The painful expression on her face never left and it made my wolf whimper begging me to make it better.

But I can't. For there is only one thing that can make it better..

I hated seeing her in such pain, I put an ice pack on top the of towel in attempt to keep it cold, but her temp just kept rising and rising.

I started to feel myself panic, I jumped up to go collect ice. I felt my wrist pulled, I looked down to see Yvonnes small hand wrapped around my wrist.

"Ashton, don't leave me." She mumbled, "I'm scared."

I sat on the bed next to her as she laid on her side. I began to rub her back for comfort, "Shhh it's going to be okay Yvonne. I won't let anything happen to you, have some faith in me.. Jeez" I chuckled.

She pulled herself up, she brought her eyes to mine.. They were all puffy and blood shot from crying. "Ashton, I am worried about Dom, the pack, and you. Look what I have caused.." Her head went down and her hands shot up to her face as tears streamed down . I pulled her into a hug pulling her face up, "Dom is a bad ass and a stubborn one at that.. As for the pack, Dom trained them well. I know you have heard the stories of this pack, they are a force to be reckoned with and with Dom leading them I know it will only lead to victory."

She buried her face in my chest wrapping her arms tightly around my torso , "Thank you Ashton."

Her smell I can handle.. Her touch I cannot.

I need to get the fuck out of here.

I began to pull away from the hug to get up from the bed. She squeezes her arms tighter around me, "Ashton, can we just stay like this for awhile?"

"Yvonne, I can't. Please understand that this is not easy for me." I pull her arms from around me.

"I'm sorry I keep forgetting I have a smell to me.. Its just you soothe the pain and when you comfort me I don't feel like crying.. Please my eyes hurt from crying and my body is on fire.."

"Yvonne it's not just about your sweet smell..Yvonne, I know this is a lot to take in right now but I need you to know so you know what I am fighting.. " I run my fingers through my hair, "Yvonne, my wolf is claiming you as our mate.. I don't know if my wolf is confused or what..So please understand when I tell you how hard this is for me."

"So it isn't just my wolf.." She muttered.

"What do you mean?"

"My wolf claimed you as our mate but I thought she was merely mistaken."

"Yvonne, my wolf claimed you as soon as I saw you."

She shook her head, "My wolf didn't start to recognize you as mate until after I was heat. I guess that explains why your touch soothes my pain and my wolf. "

"Yvonne my emotions are running wild and my thoughts are the same. I think we need to discuss this another time when my mind is clear.. Okay?"

She nodded, grabbing my arm and pulling me to the bed. "Just don't leave me please."

I sat on the bed as she laid herself in my lap, I rubbed her cheek with the back of my hand pushing the hair from her face. I turned the tv on to cartoons and just twiddled with her hair.

I listened to her heavy breathing with a few groans of pain, I watched her squirm in pain, I breathed in her sweet smell. Only to remember she is not mine. .Even so I will protect her, no matter what.

"Yvonne, I Love You." Those words.. They slipped from my mouth like a venemous snake.. She was silent and still.

I looked down leaning forward a little to get a glimpse of her face.

She is sound asleep.

Author's Note

Hello My lovelies 👋🏽

I hope you enjoyed this part! I truly appreciate those that read, comment, and vote!! Please let me know what you think! Btw I hope you all Have an amazing Easter! Unfortunately I will be working on Easter Day 😩🤦‍♀️.  Anyway, please continue to read ❤️



My Boss, My Alpha. (In progress)Where stories live. Discover now