Chapter 37

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Harry's p.o.v

I ran into the living room and saw all the boys sitting down . " Were did she go" I yelled at them

" What did you do to her mate" Louis said while getting up

" Forget it" I ran outside and saw nothing

" Alyson" I yelled her name but nothing was heard , it was night time so no wonder . I walked away from the house and yelled her name .

"Alyson" I yelled but it was quiet a bit to quiet , something wasn't right . a sense of fear ran up my back making me shiver

" Alyson" I kept running until I stepped on to a rock . I picked up the rock and saw that it was a necklace , the wolf necklace . great so now she is running wild as a wolf , scratch that a emotional wolf .

"Where are you " I said quietly before running into the darkness . I saw something sitting near a pond , it was a big dog thing .

" Aly-" someone tackled me to the ground before I could finish , it was Katie .

"Don't even think about it styles or else she will get killed personally by me " she said quietly

" Leave me alone " I pushed her off and got up quickly

"Run alyson" I yelled to the wolf thing , it didn't run

" I said run" I ran to the wolf but it was still

" What the " it was a stuffed wolf that looked real . I picked it up and looked at it carefully

" Well I'll say goodbye to your girlfriend for you" I turned and saw Katie ran away . I ran off to find aly as soon as possible so she wouldn't die , I sound a bit overprotective but I need to be because alyson doesn't know how to fight .

"Please let me find her" I said quietly before I bumped into something again

"Aly-" I looked up and saw it was a pole

"Harry" I heard a girl scream , it sounded like alyson

"Help" I ran to find the voice

"Help" another scream came from a alley , I cautiously went inside and saw no one

" Help" someone breathed into the back of my neck . I turned quickly but it was nothing but empty.

"Why are you doing this" I screamed loudly but there was no reply

" I haven't done anything to you " I yelled

"Why" I said while putting my hands on my eyes

" Harry ?" I looked and saw Liam near me

" You can't run out of the house like that , come on" we both walked out of the alley and saw everyone else

" She's gone , isn't she" I said to them with my head down

" I guess so , but it was he best thing she could have done" Louis wrapped his arm around me

"Where every she is , I hope she is safe" I said to them while looking at the sky

*alyson's p.o.v*

I was running , my feet , well paws , were carrying me . I didn't care where to go , as long as it was far away from Harry and Kate or whatever her name is . I couldn't bare to see them kissing and all that , I just couldn't . I sat in front of a pond and looked into the water while breathing heavily . one part of me was clear and the other was foggy .

I sighed and kept looking until I heard someone call my voice .

" Run alyson" someone called out , it sounded like Harry . why would he even care about me now . I did as he said and ran , not from whatever he wants but from him personally .

I thought that this was the perfect time to go home but I don't know how . I could smell my way back but it would be complicated . I sighed and walked to anywhere , I didn't care as long as I could sleep . about an hour later I found a big tree to sleep under . I looked around and saw that it didn't look like any place a person would look .

I laid on the ground and looked at the sky . I smiled at the stars shining brightly in the night sky . It was kind of clear with a few clouds every now and again but it was lovely . I yawned and shut my eyes , I have a big day . I'm gong home .


Was anyone else excited to hear firproof , I cried while listening to it 😪. I can't wait for this new album .

The story is almost over , there is going to be a second book called the scratch

Bitten ( harry styles fanfiction )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz