Chapter 18

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Harry's p.o.v

" Sorry " I smirked at Alyson and walked outside . I looked around and saw Niall and that crystal girl hugging . then I saw Liam come out of the woods looking furious . he looked up at me with angry eyes .

" Harold Edward styles " he yelled at me , I looked at the somewhat couple and saw that they were looking at me and Liam .

I gulped " yes , Liam " here comes a lecture

" Where were you " he pushed me in the house and he looked at Alyson

" You too " he pointed towards the girl while she sat down

She looked at me frightened and looked at Liam . " Yes" she said shakily

" I told you to stay with me but no you had to run off " he went close to her , I noticed his eyes had darkened

" Well I found Harry , didn't i" she said back towards him , he raised and had but I pushed him out of the way . he looked at me and push me back .

"Don't you dare out a hand on her " I growled at him and he punched me in the jaw , I looked at Alyson . she was scared out of her mind .

" Guys , stop " she said but Liam pushed me off and I fell on the ground

" Liam " I said while rubbing my head , he was going up to Alyson

" You wouldn't do this to your mom , would you " he stopped dead in his tracks

" Don't bring her into this " he growled at me

" Would you hurt your mom like you hurt me " I said then he turned to me

" Harry , stop " I saw tears in his face

" You are turning into your father , a monster " I said then I covered my mouth . I heard and gasp from behind the lad and he ran off with tears in his face . I looked up at Alyson and looked into her eyes . she shook her head at me and ran off .

Alyson's p.o.v

I ran to check on Liam , I could believe Harry would say that to Liam . yes Liam was going to hurt me but he hurt Liam worse then ever . when I got to Liam , I knocked on the door .

"Go away " I heard a sob from inside of the room

" Liam , can we talk " I said then the door swung open

" Come inside , I guess " I went inside and he closed the door . he sat on his bed and I saw a tear slip away from his eye .

" Liam -" I was cut of by him

" I'm sorry Alyson , I just need to be the leader and take care of everyone . I need everyone to be safe but it is hard to do " he said the tears streamed down his face

"Liam , come here " I gave him a hug and he started to cry

" I think I am becoming a monster like Harry said " he said and I rubbed his back

" Don't listen to him , you aren't a monster .if anything you are the a nice guy , you just need to control your anger sometimes " then we realized from the hug

" He brought up about my past too " he shook his head

" You shouldn't be held back from the past , think of the future " I said to him

" It's hard to forget something you did in the past though" he sighed

" I know , trust me " he chuckled at my comment

"I'm sorry that I seem rude to you , I'm just not used to , well regular people " he said the I smiled

" It's alright , I guess " I shrugged

" And well I guess you could say I'm a bit jealous of your attention from everyone " we both laughed

" I don't really have that much attention if I do say " I replied to him then we both heard a knock at the door .

" Come in " we both said at the same time . Harry appeared from behind the door .

" Hey " he looked at Liam then at me . Liam got up and stood near his best friend .

" I'm sorry about what happened before , I was trying to protect aly " he looked down then Liam spoke

" No , no , no " Liam said and Harry looked up at Liam

" It's my fault , I just need to keep everyone safe and I don't want to be discovered " He turned towards Alyson

" I do trust Alyson and if she wants to go home then you can go home " she got up and smiled but it soon disappeared

" Wait if I go , what will happen to you guys " I said then the boys both looked at each other

" You won't be able to see us anymore , we will be gone " Liam said to me

" So I won't be able to see you or Harry or anyone of you guys " I said to him sadly

" Yeah " he nodded to me , Harry stood in shock

" We could arrange something , right Liam " Harry spoke up but Liam shook his head

" No Harry , that is not how it works . she needs to forget about us if she leaves " then Harry looked at me

" I...." I looked at the ground and outside . i do want to go home and finish school and see my friends and family . they probably miss me but I won't be able to see Harry . the guys are like my best friends and Harry well I can't speak much about him . He hasn't even popped the question .

I looked back up to them . the answer was very obvious . " I made my decision " I said and they both looked at me

" I'm going to ...." I hesitated

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