Chapter 4

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" Alright , remember to do the homework and bring it in on monday" than the teacher dismissed us to go home . I'm started to walk to the bus , when I felt someone tap my shoulder . I turned around and saw crystal .

" Is it me or does it seem that one of the new boys like me " she said than she waved to someone , it was Niall

" You like Niall " I said than she nodded

" Want me to ask him if he feels the same " I said than she grabbed my arm

" No , I mean not yet for the least " she gulped

" Alright , we got to go or we'll miss the bus again " I said so we ran on the bus . when we got on she sat next to niall , not shocking . than I saw him , the curly haired boy . I thought he was sick , he looks healthier than a horse .

" Are you going to sit ? " The bus driver said

" Sorry " I sat next to zayn whom was across from Harry

" I thought he was sick " I whispered to zayn

" Oh , he feels better. Now " he said

" Do you have mr.lavalle's homework" Harry said to zayn while looking at me

" Wait we had homework ? " He said than Harry nodded

" Oh no " than he turned right to me

" You got the work alyson " he asked

" Yeah , he said ' read chapter 13 page 110' " I said

" Oh okay " than I felt the bus stop driving

" Alright kids , get out " the bus driver said to everyone . Everyone got out of the bus , I walked straight home obviously .

" Bye guys " I waved to my friends than I closed the door to my house

" Who were you waving to ? " My little brother , Anthony said

" None yea' " I said to him than he crossed his arms

" None yea' what ? " He said

" None of your business " I replied

" Mom , alyson won't tell me who she was waving to " he yelled while running away

" Alyson ! " Mum yelled from the other room

" It was just my friend " I rolled my eyes while walking away to my room

" Her boyfriend " Anthony mumbled . I went into my room and shut the door . I put my bag to the side of my bed and grabbed my phone .

" No texts , how surprising " I thought to my self while tossing the phone right next to me . I grabbed the homework from my bag and started to read . after a few boring minutes , I felt the urge to look out the window . I looked out and saw that it was dark except for the house right next to us .

I saw the new neighbours walking around their house and putting boxes everywhere , than something caught my eye . I looked closer and I saw one if the boys grab a jar with dark red liquid .

" Weird " i thought to myself while looking through the window . they all left except for one , Harry . he was pouring the juice for them . he looked up from the drinks and looked at me . I gasped and pulled the curtains to hide from him .

" Aly , dinner is ready " mum yelled from downstairs

" Okay " I yelled back than I got up and ran down the stairs . When I got their I toile a seat next to mom and Anthony .

" Thanks mum " I wolfed down my food

" Slowed down honey , you're going to get a stomachs ache " dad said to me

" Sorry I'm just really hungry " I said than I looked out the window again , Harry was gone .

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