Chapter 5

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The next day was pretty awkward between me and Harry . He didn't talk at all to me , he didn't look at me . when I talked to him , he would look the other way .

" Harry are you alright ? " I questioned him but he put his head down

" Harry ? " I shook him lightly than he sat up . his eyes were a dark red now which is strange because his eye color is green .

" What ! " He said with his jaw clenched and his eyes red

" I just wanted to know if-" he cut me off

" If I was alright , yes I'm perfectly fine " he said while getting up to throw away his lunch

" Why crawled up your but and made you moody today " I said sarcastically

" Listen , just stay away from me " his eyes became normal now

" Okay " I said while walking away . something was weird about Harry and his friends and I needed to find out .

" Hey aly " crystal tapped my shoulder and I turned around

" You goin' to the party today ? " She asked while smiling

" Maybe " I said to her

" Please come , it's going to be fantastic " she said

" Okay " I said to her than the school bell rung and we ran straight to class .

****at night ******

" Goodnight mum " I said while closing my door . I grabbed my dress for the party and put it on right away . I started to apply some make up on when I heard someone come near my door . without thinking I turned off the light and went into my bed . after a few minutes of waiting for someone to come in the room , I stood up and put the rest of the make up on .

After I was done I went to my balcony and looked down . " I am going to get in trouble if mum sees me " I thought to myself . I climbed down quickly and started to walk across the back yard . I looked back at my house , all the lights were off . I opened the back gate and entered the house behind us . I opened the door and there was music blasting .

" Hey alyson " my friends greeted me with hugs

" I thought you wouldn't come " nancy yelled from the loud music

" Well I'm here " I said to her and they all laughed . I walked around and talked to some people , some of which were the football team members then the door opened again . Harry and his friends came inside . I was about to greet them but they scattered quickly away .

" Alyson ? " Someone said behind me . I turned and saw Niall

" Hey " I said to him with a smile

" What's up" he said returning the smile

I looked up " the ceiling " we both laughed

" So why did you and your friends separate from each other " I said

" We wanted to find some girls " he winked at me

" You got the wrong girl " I said to him while he looked at me

" I think crystal would love to be with you " he turned around and I pushed him away

" Hey aly" I turned around and saw Harry standing tall

" Hey Harry " I said to him

" Sorry about before I was a bit uh moody " he said while smiling

" It's alright " I said while looking in his eyes . We both stood together looking into each others eyes , it was like some Type of trance like a magician . He started to lean in when someone pushed me to the ground .

" Oops , sorry Alyson " I looked up and saw felicity trying to hold her laughs back .

" Maybe this will help " she started to pour something on my head

" Hahaha" she laughter with her fake friends than she turned to Harry

" What a cute boy you got here Alyson , maybe he would like a fun time with me " she grabbed his shirt

" I'd rather not " he shoved her hand off of his shirt than he pushed the girl out of the way .

" How rude " she snorted towards him

" You can keep him " she kicked him and walked away

" Would you like help " Harry looked towards me

" No thanks , I'm just Going home now " I said while walking away from him

" I mean , I could help you clean up " he said while smiling

" I guess " than he grabbed my hand and ran towards the wash room . I looked in the mirror and saw how horrible I looked . my hair that was. Straighten was now in knots and my dress was wet with a horrible stench .

" The best I could find was a rag " Harry said while tossing a wet rag at me

" Thanks " I rubbed the rag on my face than on my shirt

" Why do they bully you " Harry asked

" I don't know Harry " I said while shaking my head

" I mean , you're nice and she is just ... rude " he said

" I know " than I turned to him and saw that he was smiling

" What's up with the face " I said while glancing away

" Nothing " he said while coming closer to me than I looked up at him

" It's just you're so-" he started to lean in when there was a knock at the door . he sighed while opening the door

" Time to go " he said while looking at me

" Alright " I said than we both walked out

" And what were you two doing in their " Louis said while looking at the both of us

" Nothing " we both said at the same time

" Sure looks like it " he said while looking at my hair

" Do you know where Niall is " he asked while looking at Harry

" No " he said while shaking his head

" What about you " he said towards me

" Last I saw him was when I pushed him to crystal " I said than I heard a scream from a room . Louis looked and Harry and they both ran towards the scream . I ran with them until we came to a door . Louis opened it and we saw Niall with blood all over his face .

He hissed at us " Harry , Get him " Louis commanded than he looked at me

" qYou have to get out of here " Louis said while pushing out the door . I looked past him and saw crystal was lying on the ground with blood coming out of her neck . Louis closed the door and I started to hear yelling coming from inside the room . I ran downstairs and saw that almost everyone was gone .

" Hey have you seen crystal" nancy said

" Yes , I mean no " I said to her

"Uh okay than " she said than I ran outside . I looked up to crystal's window , it was wide open . I didn't see them leave and I did notice zayn and Liam weren't downstairs . weird .

***** authors note******

Hey everyone , I hope you are enjoying the book and I hope you enjoyed my last book don't let me go with Selena Gomez and Niall horan . anyways leave a comment if you like the story so far . oh and just to make it clear the one direction members are not famous in this book , in the next book they shall be though .

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