Chapter 23

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Alyson's p.o.v

We were now currently in one of the boy's car . For the past hour Harry has been driving and smiling .

" You are starting to creep me out Harry , why do you keep smiling" I said and he laughed

" Because I'm going to kill you " I playfully pushed him and he smiled again

" You're all mine now" he grabbed my hand

" No , stop" I said while pulling my hand

"Why is it taking forever to get to" I said

" Well it is a little far away and it's in a special place " he replied then we pulled into a park . there wasn't a lot of people here , mostly elderly couples .

" Nice , a park" he laughed at me

" Alright grab the umbrella and prepare a for a hike" I grabbed harry's old umbrella from the back seat and got outside . the rain had stopped but I opened the umbrella

" So what does this place look like" I said and he shook his head

" Shush child , you will see it soon " we turned a bunch of times until we got to a field .harry was right it was nice here . there was a nice view of a lake with rocks at the front where you could sit . there was some ducks and geese flying and swimming .

" Wow" I said while looking around then I turned to Harry

" How did you find this place " I asked and he came near me

" My mum showed me this place " he sighed then he looked down

" We used to live a few blocks away from here but something happened " I looked to him

" What happened " I said

"It's nothing , really" he shook the question off like it was nothing

" No , you can tell me" then he turned to me with his eyes red

" I said it's nothing" his voice got deeper

" Sorry " I backed away a few inches . he shook for a few seconds and his eyes softened

I bit my lip and said " so uh " I looked towards the ground then I felt Harry rush over to were I was standing . I looked up at him and saw he looked sad . I gave him a hug , he froze for a second but wrapped his arms around me. he let go of the hug and turned away from me .

" Can I ask you something" he turned to me and smiled

" yes , of course " I said coming closer to him

" Uh" he scratched the back of his neck , his shyness was showing . I gave him a questionable look and he laughed nervously .

" If you don't want to say then it's fine" I said and he looked at the ground

" Alright " he said then he wrapped his arm around me and we both walked back down to the car . we were almost at the car when an elder couple walked near us .

" Aren't they a cute couple Arnold" the old woman said

" Excuse me " the old man called out to us

" Are you two a couple" this got awkward between us and I stepped away from Harry

" Oh no , we are just good friends " I said then the old man smiled

" Well you two looked like one , sorry to make you feel awkward " then me and Harry continued to walk but we both kept our distance . Once we got to the car everything was quiet even the radio was down low . I decided to break the silence " uh , what was the question you wanted to ask me" I said while looking at him

I saw him glance at me and he stayed quiet . I sighed and looked out the window . about ten minutes later we came to a red light . then the tension started to rise , I could fell Harry stare at me . without warning , he grabbed my face and looked deep into my eyes . I pushed closer to him and kissed him . we sat kissing in the car until a car beeped right behind us . he looked back and saw the guy give Harry the finger .

Harry drove away quickly and started to laugh . " Well that was interesting" he smiled at me

"Yeah" I said to him

" So , what was the question "I smiled

"Alright , I'll tell" he said

" Do you want to be my girlfriend " he continued

Bitten ( harry styles fanfiction )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant