Chapter 6

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*harry's p.o.v*

" Niall" Louis yelled to the blonde with crazy eyes

" Grab him Harry " Louis said than I tackled him to the ground

" Get off of me " he growled trying to push Harry off

" No " than I enjected him with a needle . all of him became relaxed , he was now regular

" Harry" he said with a tired voice

" What's going on " he looked everywhere than I got off of him than he looked to the limp girl

" Did I do that ? " He asked while pointing shakily to the girl

" Yeah , we need to leave now " I grabbed his wrist than I turned to Louis

" Get the others " than he ran out the door

" What about the girl " Niall said while looking at crystal

" They others will take care of her " than the other boys came back

" Niall , you idiot . how are we going to explain this to anyone " zayn said furiously

" I don't know smart one " he said back

" We need to figure it out fast " Liam said

" Let's just hide her in the woods like most people do to dead bodies " Louis said

" Okay " we all grabbed her and ran out the window . when we got outside we ran faster until we came in the middle of the woods

" So should we bury her or ..." I said confused

" Let's just leave her than people will think she was attacked by a animal" we all nodded and started to run back home

" So Niall , what were you doing with the girl " Louis spoke up while looking at the blonde

"Just talking than I became thirsty than the next thing I know Harry is on top of me with a needle " he said

" The worst part of it is alyson saw everything " I said to them

" We can't let her talk about what is going on with us " Liam said

" We need to take her away from civilisation so she doesn't talk about this situation " Louis said

" I think that is taking it to far " I said

" Well remember the last girl who spoke about us and being you know what's " Louis replied than we stopped in front of our house

" Yeah but she was put into a insane asylum " Niall said

" We can't take chances , we need to kidnap her " Zayn said to us

" No ! " I protested to them

" What is up with you , she is just a girl" Louis yelled

" Not to me she isn't " I yelled back than I threw my hands over my mouth

" I mean ... never mind " I said while slumping on the couch

" We need to face facts , if she starts talking about us than we'll all get in trouble . so forget about that stupid crush " he said than I rolled my eyes

" Whatever floats your boat " I said than I got up and went to my room . I closed the door and looked out the window . the night sky was clear , no clouds just the moon with it's stars . why do I even feel this way about that little mortal . she is just nothing compared to me . She may be beautiful , nice , caring , lovely , and god-like but she isn't like me . I was told to date someone who posses the same powers as me .

Plus she wouldn't like me because I'm a monster . I'm just a killing machine who sucks the life out of people . she would like that , she probably wants to be with another mortal and live the rest of her life with him . I looked back sadly trying to hold the tears , I finally realised that no one would love someone like me . a vampire .

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